Grade 1

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This isn't a love story it's a story about depression, emotions, emotions no person should feel. This isn't a story were the geek that's gets the beach god, no this is real, a story of where sadness takes over someone and they become the darkness that has surrounded them. This is my story.

It all started... Well I really don't remember as I tried to forget all the memories, but lets see where this goes.

Grade one well I was quiet and small and normal I guess. I would always wear skirts and pink and I was like every other grade one. I was in class when everything started. The first day I learn't my teacher didn't care about me as we had a cup in the middle of the table that held all our pencils. My class was a grade one and two class mixed. A girl named kristy in grade 2 sat across from me and stole all the pencils out of the cup so I could never do my work when the bitch- that needed to lay off the Twinkies- teacher asked me to. She would get mad at me when I told her that the other girl took all the pencils and she would just push me back to my seat.

I sat there one day and took matters into my own hands bringing my own pencils. Ya I know what your thinking what does this have to do with anything, well I'll tell ya. This is how my life progressed around bullying and all that and how people cared more about the people that didn't need the help and less about the small fragile ones that never stuck up for themselves. I was tormented in Grade one by a lot of people such as this girl that was smaller then me and had a real bitchy attitude towards me. She would gang up on me with the Grade 2's and usually call me names telling me I'm ugly. That shouldn't hurt someone in grade 1 but it burned deep. I can still remember her face clear in my head, but I don't remember her followers that knelt at her feet.

They all had black hair though every single person who bullied me always had black hair. Another month had gone by with this constant torment and not being able to do my work and never getting any help in any of my subjects. I was invisible to any one and everyone in the class room and on the playground.

Later that year another girl had started tormenting me taking my things and smashing them. That never went well with my parents. I would bring back letters from the school and broken toys that I had brought.. One day I was standing by the sand box while they pushed people around I then noticed that they bullied a lot of people. As they pushed one kid off the sand box railing he flung his plastic shovel right at my face. That day I was wearing my favorite blue skirt and my favorite white shirt to go with it. The next thing I knew was that I was on the ground on the grass my hand plastered to my face and blood was all over my outfit.

A teacher came over to me as kindergartners stood around me. The teacher roughly picked me up and brought me to the office placing me in a chair. They didn't help my nose and they just sat there typing on their computer. I asked to call my mom but they wouldn't let me, I started crying there in the seat as I waited for the pain in my elbow to subside and for the stares to go away. After my nose had stopped bleeding it was the end of the day and I could finally go home.

When I got home it was a tragedy, my mom was so mad at the school for no letting me call home but I told her to forget about it because that was the person I was.

I remember another time when I was sick I couldn't stay home because my parents were working, so I went to school. I threw up in the middle of the hallway, getting stares from a lot of classmates. My teacher got mad at me because I did so. I still remember the thought that was going through my head as she put the trash can under neath so I would throw up into. I stared at her shoes and thought,

"If I just move this I'll throw up all over your shoes." My mind was kind of evil back then to I guess. But seriously getting mad at a kid for throwing up you should get barfed on.

I don't think I can remember anything from that year other then those events I guess the rest was just details.

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