Grade 7

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I was entering the new school, the school my brother went to. And I went from being the big kids to the small grade 7'a it brutally sucked. The school was confusing and we had restrictions to one small hallway.

The first day of school I was badgered because I was going to the "wrong bathroom" it was still a girls bathroom. But that's not the first thing that happened that day. I got not the bus and half way through the bus ride I placed my hand on my bag getting a very sticky slummy gross texture. I looked at my bag and there was chocolate pudding on my bag. That sucked

The year was pretty normal for grade 7. No one had really changed and we didn't really make that many new friends. I would usually hang out with my usual group as always.

I remember that that year I had asked a guy out and he stood with me alone for the whole lunch time saying um and uh as he stared at me. At the end he was in love with my best friend... Emma. She takes a lot of things from me if you can tell. Then the worst thing he asked her out the next day and she came over to me and asked if she should go. She didn't.

And you probably guessed that no one liked me and everyone liked my friends well it freakin hurts to be alone while your friends flirt with people. Being smart is sexy don't act stupid. But that quote isn't true. Guys go for the small, thin, bimbo ones don't they. And I guess I shouldn't have cared in grade 7 but hey I'm a girl.

My attitude became a little more outgoing and I would talk more then I did before but I was still the follower of the group and I thought that it would never change no matter how hard I tried.

I can't remember what else had happened in grade seven it wasn't a very significant year so sorry this chapter was so short

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