Grade 10

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The first semester I tried being the hard badass that I was and it worked. I was the one that everyone said I changed, well so shit Sherlock.

I had classes where friends were in like my second period. I sat down at the back and waited to see if any one I knew came in. Kira and her friend Sam came in. Kira wanted to sit on the opposite side of the room but Sam sat beside me. Then a couple minutes later jazz ran in and was all excited that I was in her science class. So was I at that point.

The year had gone by with me getting new friends and me getting reunited with Kira and was friends with her again. We had got the same music interest from all the cuffufle that had happened the year before.

Teagan was at another school because her parents said her grades need to go up. The funny thing wa that her grades dropped a lot in the other school.

During that semester I had seen the same shit as always, but the couple started ignoring many people.

That's right my best friend and brother, the only two people I could actually talk to we're ignoring me.

I had told my brother but he got mad at me, he officially didn't care. He just cared about his precious girlfriend. I never talk about it with jazz because I knew I would break down in tears infront of her. It was hard to keep everything in.

I remember a quote I read it said.

"Crying isn't a sign of weakness, its a sign that you've been strong for too long."

Well as the year went on I was ignored by a lot of people except for a girl that used to date my brother named Natasha she understood me because she knows what I was going through.

As the year progressed the second semester showed up and I was still ignored, but I was getting pissed.

My brother had broken up with jazz and I thought it would fix something's it didnt.

They would go off and talk for the whole day missing classes and I would never see them. My brother would lie to me saying he was gonna go get something up stairs and then he would go talk to her making me wait two hours alone looking for them. It hurts. I spent many days after tech blasting heavy music in my ears defining myself from life and pretending it didn't happen and that I was ok.

So one day when we finished tech an were waiting to get picked up. I was at my locker and asked them to wait but they didn't an I was with Natasha while the group left me and her. I watched them as they laughed and talked together. It hurt so much to be left behind.

When I got to where they were Jamie (my bro) and jazz were going upstairs. Jamie said he was getting a memory stick an jazz followed him.

I exploded with anger I haven't seen Jamie in a week. And I said.

"You gonna go talk again like you always do!" And he said he need a memory stick so I yelled back.

"Sure you do!" I left to the bathroom I cried for a while before sucking it up like I always do and went back. Wrong move. I sat while Natasha cried with me and we talked to Dan, one of my brothers friends.

I broke down hard. I fell to my knees and bawled, crawling into a corner to cry.

When my brother came over I couldn't take it. I plugged in my iPod blasting change or die on repeat and closed my eyes. I finally felt numb and the pain subsided. This lasted an hour till my mom picked us up.

I opened my car door and my mom asked what happened and I said what I usually say when something's wrong. "Nothing"

I got in and closed my eyes not even wanting to stare at my brother.

I spent a whole two days not talking to anyone, at all.

My iPod was my only friend.

Then my brother started talking to me, I emailed jazz and Natasha and I started talking again. Things were kind if normal but the group was splitting up.

It's now march 23 and I found out that my chemical romance had broken up. I have been holding back tears since 11:30 this morning. It is now 7:33. And I have a huge head ache. As I'm in the car listening to pierce the veil and writing. My life is coming to an end as I write, my head and heart are about to explode and I feel like my face is melting from all the Kleenex I've used. I swear I'm about to throw up, I can't breath and I can't feel any pain. I am internally and forever numb.

And so as I mourn the lose of a great band I will stop crying and be glad that mcr happened and I know that it will hurt but it must happen.

I hope you enjoyed my story and I might add more as the years go by, but I am not sure. Good bye

Well its summer a week in, its not off to that great of a start. my best friend was dating my crush and now shes dating m brothers best friend and everything is just mixed up. I'm done with boys, and school. I just want to leave go to college seperate from the world I'm in right now.

Has anyone else felt this before, where they dont want to be here, or when they just want a fantasie, just one to come true. I can always wish but they never come true, I wish i had marie antionette's life she had it all, her life was great, she was so happy.

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