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Well it's summer and a usual I block myself off from all humanity. I don't understand why I guess it's easier that way.

It's also 30 degrees Celsius everyday with a humid ex of 85%. It's hot here in my little town of Ashton and I hate it.

So I spend most of my days inside listening to the radio hoping something exciting happens. It never does but, lately there have been mice going into my closet ever so often. Tonight on July 7th I currently have a mouse trap in there trying to catch one. You might think its cruel and just because the rain has flooded their homes they want mine, well too bad it's my house and they poop every where.

A good thing about this summer is, in three days I'm going to blues fest. Yup on July tenth in going to see Mariana's trench at 8pm. I might also see Weezer. Canada day was great though, I went to carleton place by the Mississippi River with a bunch I friends that aren't really mine. They are my bros. the fireworks were the best part though. I've always loved fireworks. Sure people think they are loud but they are beautiful and they take my mind off of everything that is going on around me, almost like music does.

Speaking of music I can't live with out it, I get headaches a lot. When I plug my earphones in it disintegrates. Music is my drug you can say. Ever since my bromethius has gotten into a football league I have to go to every game every weekend and sure some girls might like to watch a bunch of sweaty hot guys running around a field but not me. Every game every practice, Thursdays and Tuesdays I get a head ache. And it's to the point where I'm in tears.

Ill write more when more happens.

Yeah well nothing really fucking happens during the summer sure I went to marine land put that place sucks monkey balls. Its awful the animals look sick and the people there are bitter as fuck.

Sure you might think I'm complaining but you know what this is my book my life so you can fuck off if you don't like my criticism. At marine land it was really hot my head had gotten so bad that I threw up. I was just glad I got a hotel room all to myself for two nights. my bromethius' league of football called Myers riders also won the championship tho year so my bro has a huge head about how he's "awesome" and "has a championship ring" god.

Yeah I'm the total opposite, I'm the artist in my family not the sporty type. never was never will be that's the way it goes. so yeah that was the summer and next summer is gonna be the same damn thing!

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