Grade 6

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Grade 6 was I guess pretty damn good compared to the rest of my life. I was friends with everyine and everyine knew me but I think that was just because we were the only grade 6 class in the whole school. I had started wearing balc that year and telling my friends that that was the way I was, at that point I had never thought that I actually would turn into someone that wears black all the time I just thought it was cool. I know that it was stupid but it boosted my low self esteem. I was still the fat kid remember.

Well that year everyone was strating to figure out that I was great at art and they would ask me to draw things and I really loved it. I thought that I was finally being noticed for something good in my life other then... Well nothing. What else can I say about that year.

I still never got anybody to like me, everyone was in love or as they thought. I guess I was just the person to go to for advise on something. Most of the time though I didn't have any advice becasuse I had never been in one of those situations before so I usually told them what came to mind. 

I think I had started to really get pissed at my parents and brother as I never really wanted to go home so after school I would stay at Janessa's were I met her cousin Tyler. Me being lonely as always I thought he was cute and i learn't he was staying over for the weekend so Janessa invited me over. 

This is a very important thing in my story so remember it. 

That weekend i went over to her house, it was summer and she had just gotten a pool which was great because it was so frickin hot. I went over to her house the first thing we did was get in our bathing suits but since Tyler was there I brought some shorts and a bikini top. As I waited for Janessa I stood really awkward next to him.

Yes I remember every single detail of the best day of my life I finally felt alive this day and I had no idea why.

When we got in the pool Tyler made up a game were I was his wife and my friend came over and he wanted to kick her out because she was being totally annoying but I think he just wanted to be beside me. The whole game he was hugging me and was always by my side I loved it, I guess i just felt so loved and that's what I needed. After the game that consisted of hugs a kiss or two on the forehead and imaginary chocolate milk in bed we just started swimming around. 

Man I'm just smiling like an idiot thinking about all this. 

They asked me what game to play and I shrugged and swam away from them super fast as I always di but they followed me. After Janessa got tired it was only Tyler and me swimming around until he pinned me against the side of the pool, both of his hands were on both sides. That's right I had one of  those moments that only consist in dreams or stories and it was awesome. After him swimming away and jokingly flipping around like a dolphin screaming... "I love sarah!" At the top of his lungs. When i got out of the pool he whispered to Janessa.

"WOW shes tan." The funny thing is I always have been even in the winter but it just made me happy that he said it.

That night we were in Janessa's room watching a movie and we had a huge bag full of small cookies. I sat in the middle of them but soon she went to bes so we sat together eating cookies when I found a toy that you flick a switch and it chucks a ball out of it si I started shooting cookies at him. As he caught them he ate them but soon enough there were cookies everywhere and his hands and mouth were full of cookies. I laughed and took them from him placing them in the now ripped bag. I still remember this day so clear. We finished the movie and he put his arm around my shoulder an di lent into him. We laid back on the bed and we fell asleep together. 

That was the best day of my life and the next morning I had to get back to reality and leave to go to the dreaded place I call home, but I went home feeling way happier.

A real story... My story.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ