Grade 8

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Grade 8was pretty much the same as grade 7. Except that I had lost respect for a lot of people as they started going into relationships.

I remember one thing that we used to do. We would run around the dumpsters escaping janessa for some reason. At first it was fun and it still was fun until janessa started getting fed up so like I always did I was trying to stop the others and to try something different. But they never listened, I was just a tiny blip in their life that never really mattered.

That year they started to have periods for classes. It was really confusing at first but then I got used to it.

In English we had to create dance routines for some strange reason like what does that have to do with english. But as I did, I was with Emma and kira. As you can guess Emma controlled the dance moves and the stupid song. She picked lady gaga, ugh I despise lady gaga. She reminds me to much of emma.

In grade 8 I had to go home a lot and I was sick a lot. It sucked. But as any kid would be I was happy to miss school and stay home in pjs and never leave bed.

I was happy that I was leaving grade 8 I hated it, I wanted to be a grade 9 I actually wanted to be in highschool.

We had our grade 8 grad that year and for our trip we went to Quebec City. I was with janessa and Kira in a room because Emma didn't want to be with us and the person we had before left us so it was just the three of us. I got my own bed lucky me.

I remember a lot of it, janessa being scared in the dark, the horse pissing and Kira taking a video. Ya there wee a lot of weird things going on.

I spent the last ride home alone siting on the bus with my bear practically falling asleep in a dress and flats.

The actual grad was a night where a huge storm had erupted from nowhere. I had got my hair done and they didn't do it very well, so I went back and made them fix it. Then my make up took forever and I was late.

When I entered the cafeteria for the actual grad the music was pumping and when I feel it go through my body worries just disappear. And I danced on the stage almost the whole night until the power failed. It took half an hour to find the generator. So during that time we were all outside listening to someone's car radio. But after it wasn't so hot inside and it was darker which to me was better. I had the most amazing night ever.

That summer my mom and dad were getting there vows renewed and I was the junior bridesmaid. The color was purple and when we were trying on dresses I kept insisting on this cocktail dress and my mom would get mad at me but we ended up getting it anyways. And that's what I wore to my grad.

When the wedding actually came I wasn't that excited because it was just normal I guess. I didn't feel different. But I remember when the girl was puttin on my mascara she put it on so thick I couldn't lift my eye lids it was aweful.

I had a part to speak at the ceremony and it was nerve racking but I did it good I think. After that we had the awesome reception in the pent house of a hotel. I could see blues fest from it and I watched it a lot during the night. I also danced a lot.

After the night I had to go home with my nanny and I stayed at my nannies for the whole summer. It was ok but it got up to 40 degrees outside its a good thing she had a air conditioner.

As you are reading are you noticing that my life gets better? Ya well the next year is where karma kicks in for me doing... Oh wait nothing. And karma never attacks the people you want it to its just like a backstabbing friend just like a lot of mine used to be... Well some still are.

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