Grade 11

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So this year I have world religion ugh, math ugher! Art YEAH! and travel and tourism another ugh. I guess it's not that bad but apparently Ashley you know the bitch well apparently people decided to forgive her. People say forgive and forget right. Well I'm the kind of Polish person that doesn't FORGIVE and FORGET. Thats just me though, I don't want to be a bad example but when someone fucks up your life that badly you better hope karma fucks them up three times as bad.

The people that forgave her are people that have only known her three to four years, me haha try eleven fucking years of being the only person that would stay by your side.

Art is fun though, I sit beside my friends and talk about things like boyfriends that I wish I never had and things like that. Yet we don't really learn new techniques this year which sucks. Speaking of sucking our friend group has become a lot naughtier this year, a lot. (skittles have become sperm)

Reading books has also been my forte. I read a lot of books over the Christmas break. yeah some of them were good and some were life changing but they all had the same plot. all about a girl in a small city trying to get famous an she meets a boy and they fall in love. Always the same.

Travel and tourism I'm not gonna even go there, let's just say its boring as fuck! world religions is the same I really don't care about religion because I'm not a religious person at all, and I certainly don't care about other religions that will bring me no use in life. Math is math is math. Its the same stuff for every year.

Culminating and exams or finals are coming up, I'm excited to get this semester over with. and can't wait till second semester because I got co op which if people don't know is I get to go to a location for half the day and hang out. I'm going to body graphics which is a tattoo place. So ill be hanging out there everyday an drawing. Isn't that just great I can't wait.

I just hope I can pass my final exams or finals as people in the U.S. call them so that I can get out of high school quicker.

well it's the second semester of grade 11 and I have English, biology and co-op. Co-op is a class where you go to a company all by yourself and learn from them to see if you want to be that when you grow up. I'm at a tattoo parlor and I is so fun there. I learn so many new things and its like having two full periods of art class but I don't have to deal with people at school.

English is a bore as always and I don't really get to do much, all we do is read a dumb book and answer questions. but biology is fun, no we haven't got to dissect anything yet but we will. I have a test tomorrow so I guess I better get studying... Haha I don't study.

But I'm all excited for next year because its my last year of high school and I can get out of this place and go to art school. My dad and mom are always on my case about getting new friends an di don't know why I just cant wait to leave this place but just remember the happy memories and  not the sucky ones.

I have my next year all figured out ill take English in summer online (I know summer school but hey I don't have to present anything this way!) anyways then ill take writers craft, world history, religion, world issues with an awesome teacher, philosophy with an awesome teacher,art, and that's it so ill have two spares yeah. I cant wait MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. so ill check in later.

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