Getting my shit together

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Well, you guessed it. I am 21 years old, I have a loving boyfriend, I moved out, I am doing online courses, I have a job. I am trying haha. It's not easy you know to get everything in order for your life. You have to multitask and figure out how to do everything at once but nothing all at the same time. I know that doesn't make sense but neither does life haha. 

Life moves way to fast sometimes but then moves too slow for others. For example, I want to get married have kids own a house a few cars and for me, the timeline for that is going too slow. But then I also want to stay young and feel like I have no responsibilities, and the timeline for that is going way too fast. I want to stop time I want to get things done. I was to be free of things for a few hours and I can never seem to get a break. I want to get my shit together but then I also want to go and travel the world and ignore my responsibilities. I don't know if any of you can relate to this but if you can please comment so I don't have to feel alone on this. 

Half the time I feel like there is nothing I can do to slow down my life so I can enjoy the little things like going out on weekends. No, I don't mean to clubs or party=ies because I was never into those kinds of things. When I mean going out I mean going to the Merivale car meets every Friday night and then going to micky ds after to go get a dollar drink because of its dollar drink days in the summer. That's what i mean. Or going to Calabogie on the weekends because its drift day at the Calabogie motorsports race track. I don't want to lose these experiences. I don't want to stop making memories. I don't want life to end when I have a family, I don't want to go to work come home clean make supper and go to bed. I want adventures still I want to go out on weekends still even when we have babies and when they grow older. I want to be able to show them how amazing life can truly be. 

(side note I know most of you don't know what I am talking about when I say Merivale or Calabogie, but I live in Ontario Canada so yeah anywho.)

I know most people just want to have a baby because they are adorable and trust me I know the feeling because truthfully babies are adorable and I want one really bad for that reason... But I also want to show them the world I want them to experience the things I have experienced. I want them to fear, I want them to love, I want them to feel loose, because that will make them a better person. I know I won't be able to keep them from all the terrible things in this life and I feel like that is a good thing because it makes people who they are. I want to see my babies grow up and succeed and knowing that I did not fail them and see them be their own person and explore their own worlds. I just hope I can give them everything that they will ever need. I say need because people don't need everything they want. I want to give them everything they need... Does that make sense... I think so.

Anyways done with my little rant, it's time to tell you a story. Remember when I said I went to a drift event in Calabogie. Well, that was true it actually happened the 13th of October 2018. Now, this drift event was like any other, we sat at the sidelines watching people in suped-up cars race around a track trying their hardest sometimes spinning out. Some people I am sure were professional they must have been by how good they were. Some people were beginners and that was awesome because we got to see them learn from their mistakes and sometimes almost hit one another. We also watched people go around the track and we were all guessing the times and whoever got closest would win. We usually underestimated the times though. Well after a long cold day we started heading home and about half an hour out the car we were in (me and Dantes car, the Subaru) started overheating really really bad, so we pulled over and our friends in their car stopped too. They thought they had a flat tire and we were over heating. Keep in mind we were about an hour and a half away from home and in the middle of nowhere with no civilization. Dante opened the hood released the pressure from the radiator by loosening the radiator cap and jumped back in the car. We thought it would fix it a little anyways so we trecked on. About 10 minutes later we stopped again and completely removed the rad cap. We started smoking let' just say that. Another 10 minutes down the road we stopped took out some water bottles from the back of the car and started pouring water onto the engine. It would instantly evaporate and start boiling the engine was so hot. We took some time to relax and enjoy the view. It was fall right and we were in the middle of a forest and a field. I took a few pictures because it was so beautiful. After waiting we jumped back in the car and the engine was still so hot. We were speeding trying to get to some kind of civilization. And that's when we passed by a cop....... We were going around 150km an hour while the limit was 80 maybe 90... I yelled out "cop" and we knew we were done. But I looked at her and his face was just in awe. The car was smoking so much I am sure we were a site to see. But she let us go didn't even pull out nothing. Our friends were not so lucky..... they got pulled over and a 52 dollar ticket was issued. but you live and you learn. Dante was driving at the time and smoke started pouring out his side of the hood. so he wasn't able to open the windows. Then smoke started pouring out my side of the hood so we closed the windows and it came through the vents. There was luckily a gas station right there so we pulled in shut the car off and hurridly literally jumped out of the car. We opened the hood and the rad was literally melted. It was that hot. 

We were in almost at this time and had been calling tow trucks for al little bit letting the car sit for a while. No tow trucks were available and we weren't just gonna leave the car here or wait. So We took everything out of the car put it in our friend's car and Dante drove the car all the way to Stittsville. A 20-minute drive to cash for trash. A scrap yard. The car died literally right as they were pulling in to cash for trash. How lucky is that? 

It was quite the experience.

Anyways if you enjoyed reading this please comment any stories you have had I would love to read them.

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