Chapter 9: The Pain

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The silence between the two women stretched for a while before Signora Pallas cleared her throat. Lorena, cramped at the side of the small bed, raised her head to look at the older woman.

"I was going round, ensuring everyone was asleep, when I heard your voice. I knocked, but you didn't reply, so I pushed the door open just in time to hear your father." All of a sudden, she felt the need to explain to Lorena.

"You didn't do anything wrong," She sighed, wrapping her hands around her body. "If anything, you saved me from hurling more accusations at him."

Her foot made to move forward, but she withdrew it back. "You didn't do anything wrong either. There is only so much one car take before snapping," She wished she could comfort her more, but she didn't want to do too much. "I'll leave you alone now. But Lorena?" She raised a stern brow.


"If he calls you again, give me the phone, alright? He knows you're here, so it's my business now."

She nodded gently, and Signora Pallas turned around and left the room. She stared at her phone on the bed before folding herself into a ball. Her mother's face came to mind, and she shuddered—her beautiful mother.

"You can never be the woman your mother was." Her father's words meant to hurt. As much as she loved her mother, she didn't want to be her. She was forced to stay by the side of a man incapable of real love. Maybe that was why she fought so hard against Markris. Not even Verona finding love in the arms of her duke could convince her otherwise.

"You killed Mama." Her words kept ringing in her ears, making her feel like shit. She knew her father didn't kill her mother, but she had wanted to hit him where it hurt the most, and she had done precisely that. Her bones ached, and she felt drained. Even her thoughts felt too heavy, causing her head to hurt. She didn't think she could sleep that night, so she just lay there feeling nothing, being nothing but a disappointment, according to her father.

The next time Lorena opened her eyes, sun rays spilled from her windows. She stood up too quickly and fell back into the bed. She felt like shit, and the ache in her head felt even worse.

"Let's try that again." She whispered and slowly began to raise her body from her bed. Finally, she was up, and she managed to stand to her feet. As soon as she hit the floor with her feet, a dizzying effect hit her, and she staggered a bit to regain her strength.

She was still trying to gather herself when her door pushed open, and Tatiana came running in.

"Tati!" She was saying when the kid jumped into her body. She lost her balance and fell on her bed with the heavy kid landing on her body.

"I'm so sorry, my la... Lorena." The little girl rolled over, her eyes widened, and her mouth hung open.

"It's okay, Tati," Lorena massaged her poor body. The impact from the fall had increased her headache, and now she felt like her head was about to split open. "But why were you in such a hurry?" She turned to her side to look at Tatiana.

"Oh!" A glint appeared in her eyes, and she clasped her hands together. "I wanted to call you to come see the rainbow outside."

Lorena's face fell. "That was it? I almost got knocked out of oblivion because of the rainbow?" She thought but forced a smile for the happy child.

"The rainbow? Wow! Should we go see it then?" She clapped, matching the baby's excitement.

"Let's go!" She pumped her fist in the air.

All the excitement and screams increased Lorena's headache, but anything for the babies. She slowly followed behind Tatiana, who had all but broken into a sprint. As soon as she stepped out, she was surrounded by enthusiastic kids who wanted to be the first to show her the rainbow she could see.

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