Chapter 32: The Orgasm

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Markris eyes landed on time at the top of his computer screen as he sent out  the last important email of the day,

"Wow!" He leaned back and stretched, breaking into a loud yawn. His ears picked up a sound, and his brow snapped together. Contorting his face, he stood up and proceeded to the window. He spread the blinds gently and looked out. His tired eyes bulged, only just realizing it was raining again.

"Oh?" He muttered, shutting the blinds. He proceeded to his computer and shut it off. "That should do for the day." He yawned again, his bones stiff from all that sitting.

He turned off the lights in the room and proceeded to his room. All he could think about was the softness of his bed and how he couldn't wait to bury himself in it.

After going a whole day without resting, it felt like his bones would fall apart at any moment. He hastened his strides, and soon he arrived at his room. Pushing the door wide open, he walked inside and shut the door behind him.

He didn't have the strength to turn on the lights, so he just found his way around in the dark. He pulled off the clothes he had worn all day and placed them in his laundry basket. Then he walked into his bathroom.

A few minutes later, he was out and maneuvered his way to his closet. It always amazed him how sometimes he needed glasses to read, but he could make out things perfectly fine in the dark. He knew the arrangement of his clothes by heart—every fabric, the color, placement, even how they smelled. Since the weather was cold, he opted for a long sleeve plain shirt and sweat pants.

"What a day." He whispered in the dark, proceeding to his bed. Soon as he lay on the bed, the roar of thunder blasted through the window, leaving a rattling sound in its wake.

Someone jumped on him from the side of the bed, causing him to jerk up in alarm. He quickly turned the bedside light on, and the face of a frantic Lorena holding on to him with her hair spilled all over the place made him shudder.

"What are you doing in my room, Lorena?" He screamed but found his hand holding her as she clung to him.

"The rain. I told you I'm scared of thunderstorms." She stuttered, her body trembling.

"What? But you slept just fine last night." He scrunched his face, not buying whatever act she was selling. He wanted to push her away and probe her lying ass, but his hands had a mind.

"Alma was there, remember? Plus, it wasn't this heavy," Her lips quivered, and she paused, taking a deep breath.

"Can I please sleep here tonight? Please?" She pleaded, and this time around, it was genuine. She didn't have any form of seduction in mind. She was scared of the nightmares she was bound to have if she slept alone.

"Fine, but just for tonight," He sighed. "Can you release your hands from my neck before stringing me to death?"

"Oh." She quickly removed her hands, only realizing she had wrapped them around him in panic.

She pushed herself away from him and moved back to the other side of the bed. Her breath was still quick and heavy, but her trembling body had started to calm down. She clasped her hands together and gently rubbed them.

"Are you cold?" His eyes drifted to her and laid to rest on the goosebumps on her beautiful skin. He couldn't fathom why she wore night dresses like that in this kind of weather.

"A bit." She admitted, feeling the warmth seep through her body the more she rubbed her hands together. She didn't know the demon that possessed her to come to his room, especially with how he had acted earlier. Still, any treatment from Markris was better than her dreams which always left her sick.

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