Chapter 27: The trance

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The day that started like a furnace scorching the skins of anyone bold enough to walk without a roof above them slowly gave way to a dark sky as the moon replaced the sun in the sky.

Dark patches covered the sky, the shy moon doing its best to lighten the earth without the stars. Markris glanced down at the time on his dashboard as he drove for an important meeting at 7 pm that evening. Left to him, he would have spent the whole day drenched in the demands of his schedule at the company, but Jorginho had been hammering on the importance of this meeting for the last two weeks.

The biggest winery in Italy wanted his company to handle its finances. If he had closed this deal, he would have successfully handled every industry in Italy except the arts. He heard a light tap on the window, and a huffing wind which carried an earthy smell, followed closely behind.

"Ugh, rain!" He stifled a growl, instead stepping on the gas. He knew it was dangerous to drive that fast, but he chucked aside the warning bells, which were just the voice of the stern woman who approved his driver's license.

"Bloody Bethel!" He chuckled at the image of the bearded woman with a contrasting tiny voice swirling in his head. She had sworn he wasn't going to pass the test for no reason other than the fact he smirked too much and had an arrogant glib. He had ended up charming her so badly that she even made a pass at him at the end of his test.

"Good times. Simpler times," He muttered, an image of Lorena replacing bearded Bethel.

"Get out of my head." He felt his body coming alive just at the mere thought of her.

A whole day had passed, but he still couldn't get the image of her in his clothes out of his mind. God helped him, but he had been this close to damning the consequences and taking her to his office table. But thrice and more, she had told him no.

There was also his ego that needed to be soothed. He was caught between giving in to the torture her presence alone dealt him or keeping to his words to exert vengeance on her. Unfortunately for him, the two feelings could not coexist.

He slowed down as he approached his destination. Just before he turned on his headlights, he spotted the signpost ahead adorned with luminous light that projected the name of the hotel he was to meet Jorginho and his potential clients. Turning to the hotel, he readjusted his mind to work mode.

"Where are you?" He asked as soon as Jorginho picked up his phone.

"We're on the terrace."

"Aight." He ended the call, turning his attention to the officer directing him to a private parking space.

"Good evening, sir." The man who had just directed him greeted him as he stepped down.

"Here," Markris said, retrieving a dollar bill from his wallet and handing it to him.

"Why, thank you, sir!" The older man prostrated, a full smile lighting his face.

Markris waved, walking off to find Jorginho. He looked at the sky as he walked. While it still looked dark and gloomy, it looked like the rain had been held off.

"Good." He muttered. He wanted to finish this meeting as soon as possible so that he could be back home. Then the rain can decide to fall all night if it decides to.

The loud music from the ground floor faded as he walked up the terrace. Soon as he stepped into the open space, he spotted streams of blonde hair seated between two ladies.

"Jorge." He said the words even before he heard that scratchy laughter that sounded like a dried throat coughing. He didn't understand why it looked more like a club scene than an actual meeting.

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