Chapter 34: The yearning

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Adriano? Are you ignoring your father!"

Markris rolled his eyes at the phone placed on his dressing table. "I slept pretty early last night." He said.

"Did you receive the mail I sent you?"

He stroked his chin. He tried to figure out what his father was talking about.

"I don't have all the time in the world, Adrian! Its subject was Morena Cicero."

"Oh---" He bobbed his head, his mind trailing back to that interesting mail he had seen the night he sent Lorena out of his office.

"So, did you?" The hastiness in his father's voice irritated him to no end. What was so important about some damn mail?

"I did, but I haven't read it yet."

"Well, do, and get back to me, young man!" He yelled, ending the call.

Markris sighed, his eyes lingering on the phone. Lately, he felt at the edge of something bound to snap soon. He dragged his eyes away from his phone, and it landed on the package just beside it. A small smile danced in his eyes, a thought forming. He turned around with the package in his hands and walked out of the room.

His heart beat rapidly against his chest as he approached Lorena's room. There was every possibility she wouldn't open the door for him, and he knew he deserved it. He knocked gently on the door, and just like he predicted, silence ensued. He was about to knock again when it occurred to him that her bodyguards were absent.

Aside from the two days off he gave them sometime last week, they should be clocked in now. It only meant she was definitely around the house somewhere. He turned around and began to walk down to the living room.

"Where is Lorena?" He asked the first person he saw downstairs, and they directed him to the garden.

He approached the garden with a frown on his face. In his many years of living in this house, he could count the number of times he had gone into the garden. It wasn't his type of scene, but he could see why it appealed to someone like Lorena. He saw her bodyguards first, and his body visibly relaxed.

Despite his attitude towards her, she still stayed back. She could have escaped at any time, so he wondered why she didn't just do it. There was nothing he offered for her to remain in his house. It was quite the enigma. He couldn't solve for his life.

"My lord." The guards immediately bowed on sighting him.

"Where is she?" He asked, looking around.

"She's over there," They pointed at a turn with an open clearing. "We thought it best to give her some privacy."

"Good, good. You can both take the rest of the day off. I want to speak to her alone."

"Yes, sir." They chorused and turned around to leave.

Markris took a deep breath and made his way carefully to Lorena. A frog jumped out of the garden pod ahead, and he rolled his eyes as the little creature hopped past him. "Hate these creepy little things." He muttered.

He looked around at the buds that had begun to flower, judging by the splatter of colors illuminating the whole environment.

"What am I doing?" He thought, a shudder running through his body. He had never paid attention to things like this, and he wasn't about to now.

A bird flew past him, almost grazing his shoulders. "Watch out, you monkey!" He snickered, his voice causing Lorena to turn around.

"Markris?" She raised a brow.

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