Chapter 30: The Clapback

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"No." She shook her head, her lips quivering. She refused to believe Markris despised her to the point of bringing another woman to his house.

"Lorena, please listen." He stretched out his hands, but she quickly sidestepped him. Her body trembled as she fought the urge to burst into tears.

"Markris!" Ariana called from outside, oblivious to the chaos she had stirred inside.

"I hate you!" She screamed, running to the door.

"Lorena, please listen to me." He followed after her. He couldn't thin

"Leave me alone." She said, pulling the door open. She pushed past the woman behind the door and, without glancing at her, sprinted straight across the passage to her room.

"Lorena?" Ariana whispered, turning her head to watch the woman flee, but the door-slamming shot drowned out her voice. When she turned again, Markris was out in just his towels, following after her. It didn't take much to figure out what had just happened, and she began to feel guilty.

"Lorena, please open the door." Markris banged on her door with one hand while the other adjusted the towel, slowly losing from all the tension it had gone through in such a short time.

"Go away. I don't want to ever speak to you!" She screamed from inside, her voice heavy with tears.

"I swear, Lorena, it's not what you think. Just open the damn door, and I can explain!" He ran a frustrated hand through his hair. "Please." He whispered, placing his head on the door.

"I said no! I said no, and I mean it this time Markris. Be with your woman, and leave me alone. It won't be the first time you jumped in another woman's bed, after all."

"What do you mean?"

"What do I mean?" She scoffed. "Technically, you've committed adultery in this marriage sham already!" She hissed.

"What is she talking about?" He muttered to himself before it finally clicked in his head. "Danielle? Please don't tell me you're talking about Danielle. We didn't even know we were legally married by then." He scrunched his face.

"And what's your excuse now?"

"Maybe if you open the door, then I can explain!"

"Well, I won't be opening shit! And I can't believe any word you say ever again!" She stomped her feet on the ground, a hint of finality in the air.

"Fine!" He kicked the door, returning her energy. Turning around, he stormed towards Ariana, who stood in the middle of the hallway, his fist clenched beside him.

"That was quite the scene." She smiled, ignoring how his nostrils flared as he stared at her.

"This is all your fault!" He pointed a trembling finger at her, his muscles tense from his anger.

"Uhmm, no, it's not, but before we get into that," She paused, dragging her head up and down. "You might want to go put on something, at least." Markris followed her eyes and saw his balls were almost showing from the divide his towel had suddenly created.

"Shit!" He cussed between his teeth. "This is not over." He said, raising a warning finger before moving past her to his room.

Ariana snickered and shook her head. Men were such exciting creatures to her, but the most interesting of them were the ones who couldn't see how controlled they were by their emotions. The ones who swear they're aloof and guarded, but it only took one woman to make them lose their cool. Speaking of that woman, it was time she finally met her. She strolled to Lorena's door and knocked on it.

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