Chapter 13: The Astonishment

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"Helena, allow the lady Lorena to stand on her feet!" Signora Pallas scolded the little girl clinging onto Lorena's body. She sighed and picked her up when she refused to move.

"I want Lowena!" The little girl kicked defiantly in her arms.

Lorena laughed, slowly standing up from the bed she had been stuck in for the past week. She couldn't wait to finally leave the clinic and the smell of sickness in the air. "See, Signora. I'm stronger now." She said, bouncing on both feet without holding on to anything.

"I'm proud of you, Lorena," She replied over her shoulders as Helena kicked and screamed in her arms. "Be still a child!" She said, trying to soothe her, but she didn't want to listen.

"Hand her over," Lorena said, opening her hands.

"Are you sure? Do you think you're strong enough to carry her?" She asked.

"I'm sure," Lorena smiled. "There you are," She said, wrapping her hands tightly around her. Immediately Signora Pallas haded Helena over to her. "Did you miss me that much?" She stroked her hair gently.

"Soww much." She nodded and clung to her tighter.

Signora Pallas watched the pure exchange and couldn't help the warmth that formed in her heart. All the children genuinely loved Lorena, but Helena completely adored her. The poor girl had been a wreck the last two days because she didn't see her Lorena. It was moments like these she cherished the most. She saw the children she loved and sheltered and felt that same love back. It was priceless, and she could never trade it for anything.

"So, are you ready to check out now?" She asked, interrupting their little moment.

"Are you?" Lorena asked little Helena.

"Will you carry me out so everyone can see I'm your bebe?" She asked, a naughty smile on her face.

"Of course," Lorena giggled, ruffling her hair. She kissed her on her cheeks and placed her gently on her hips. "What are you eating, mi amor? You're getting so big." She said, pinching the cheeks she had just kissed.

"Signowa Pawas gave me pawsta!" She said, pointing at Signora Pallas.

"She did?" Lorena's eyes widened. "Did you keep some for me?" She asked, keeping up with the act.

"No!" She let out a silly laugh.

"No? Now I'm hurt." Lorena pouted, her free hand grabbing her chest in faux hurt.

"Before the both of you continue this conversation, can we at least leave?" Signora Pallas said, already picking up Lorena's items and placing them in a bag.

"We absolutely can. Right, Helena?"

"Wight!" She spread her hands in the air, dancing in Lorena's hands.

"Okay, stop doing that, baby. You have a lot of weight now." She said as they began to walk out of the clinic.

"Lorena!" A loud voice called immediately after they stepped out. The trio turned around, wondering where that voice had come from. Lorena especially found it oddly familiar.

"Lorena!" The person called again before coming into view.

"Alonso?" Lorena's brows widened as she saw her manager walk up to her. "What are you doing here, Alonso? How did you know I was here?" The questions rolled out of her tongue as her widened eyes were fixated on him.

"My love!" Alonso screamed and almost threw himself at her. He caught himself midway when he saw the baby in Lorena's arms. His forehead instantly creased, and a frown formed on his face. "Whose is that?" He pointed a waggling finger like he was talking about an animal. Alonso did not like children. No, he didn't exactly hate them. He was just terrified of them.

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