Chapter 47: The Escape plan

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"Are you happy Lorena?" He asked, cradling her in his arms. The day had lost its spark, as a golden pale light formed a ring in the sky.

A gentle breeze blew, bringing along with it the smooth fragrance of olive, and rose. The two love birds sat at the edge of a cliff, staring down the depth of water far beneath them.

She turned her head to look at him, a smile on her beautiful face. There was nothing that gave her more security than being in his arms just like this. With him, she felt safe and loved. "I am, but are you?" She asked, stroking his face gently.

"You are my happiness. You, and him." He chuckled, rubbing her belly.

"Oh please," She rolled her eyes and playfully swiped his hands away. "What if it's a girl? I want a girl." She pouted.

He couldn't help himself, as he stole brief kids from her lip. "It can be anything, Lorena. As long as you're are their mother, and my wife."

"When did you become this romantic?" She laughed, turning her attention back to the water.

"It's you, Lorena. It's all you. You've done me wonders, and I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate you. I love you, Emerald."

"I love you t--"

She was saying when a whooshing sound enveloped her ears, and her eyes flickered open.

"Not again." She hissed between her teeth. Her hands clutched her chest, as she waited for the rapid thump to subside. There was nothing more infuriating than a dream on a loop. It kept happening every other day and never failed to stop when she was about to profess her love too.

Pushing the duvet to the side, she dragged herself out of the bed. Soon as her feet touched the ground, she sighed and looked down. She was finally showing, and it scared her. It took only a month to look like she was stuffed with a gorilla.

A whole month of peace, and quiet with Marcielo. At least until she slept at night, and Markris was there to take over. You would think her brain would understand that she didn't want anything to do with the man, especially after everything he had put her through.

"Not today Satan," She shook her head and stood to her feet. Yawning, and stretching, she heard a rumbling in her stomach. "Always hungry aren't we?" She laughed and proceeded to the bathroom.

Lorena felt more relaxed as she skipped toward Marcielo's room. This had been her morning routine for a while now.

Wake up, go search for Marcielo to give her food, and spend the rest of the day binge-watching any show. She was about to knock on his door when she heard something very strange. She quickly retrieved her hands and pressed her ears against the door.

"I cannot do that to her. I love her too much." The strain in his voice had her raising her brows. She wondered who he was talking to, and what was stressing him so much.

"You were given millions of dollars to build your life in exchange for a favor someday. Do you think anyone just gives up money like that to be nice? The time has come to pay your debt, and that debt is hers." She heard a second voice say, and her eyes widened. Her hands immediately went to her mouth to stifle a gasp, as she tried to grasp the direction of the conversation.

"Look, she's amazing. She's lovely and innocent. Please leave her out of this. Ask me for anything, even my life. Anything, but her." He pleaded.

"No. She has something everyone wants. Why are you even concerned? She's not yours. Isn't she married to that big-shot Markris? Why are you fighting over a woman who does not even love you?"

"You don't know that!" His voice came out fierce and irritated. "You don't know anything about Lorena, and I. We've been in love with each other since we were kids. Whatever she had with Markris is over now. I'm going to help her take care of her child, and we'll be a family." He said which such strong convictions in his voice.

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