Chapter 22: The Fightback

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Francesca and Roselina rolled Lorena's bag, following behind the fuming heiress as she stormed towards her car.

"Lorena!" Paolo called, running after her.

"What now?" She paused and whipped her head around. "You insist I'm married to Markris, and I am done fighting you. You've won. I'm on my way to his house now, so what else do you want from me?" She screamed, stomping her feet on the ground.

Paolo was taken aback as he stared wide-eyed at his daughter. He had never seen her react this way toward him. He had always banked on her intense fear of him getting away with anything he did to her. It looked like he had crossed far over the line and fallen into a ditch.

"Calm down, Lorena, I..."

"No, you listen to me, father. This is the last time you'll be seeing me. The minute I get to Markris' house, I am done with you. I don't have the mental capacity to fight off two monsters, so I'm telling you now that you've won. Kindly leave me alone." She hissed and stepped into the car. She banged the door after her, her heart thumping loudly against her chest.

From the corner of her lash, she stared at her father, who stood rooted to the same spot. His stubborn face had been replaced with shock, and for the first time in forever, he looked like his age. She almost felt pity for him. She felt her pure heart reaching out to soothe his twisted ego, but she shook that feeling off. She had taken a stand against him for once, and she would stick by it.

Roselina and Francesca placed their remaining luggage in the car and came around to say their goodbyes. Lorena watched as her father turned around and slowly walked back into the house. She exhaled deeply, relaxing into the seat.

"My lady?" Francesca knocked at the window pane, and Lorena whined down. "We're going to miss you so much, my lady." She cried as she reached through the window to stroke Lorena's hair.

"Don't be weird, Francesca," Lorena rolled her eyes. "You both can come over anytime you like. I would have loved for you to follow me now, but I don't want to get into it with Dad more than I already have." She sighed.

"Don't be sad for standing up for yourself. It's been a long time coming." Roselina suddenly said, a proud smile enveloping her face.

"I know you enjoyed that one, Rose. Consider it a gift from me to you." Lorena joked, and they all shared a laugh.

"I need you to be strong this time, baby. Who knows, maybe fate has something in store for you."

Lorena smiled and nodded but scoffed inwardly. "Fate?" She was beginning to think her fate was handled by two very bored women,  trauma dumping on her. "Fate indeed." She muttered as the car reversed and drove off.

Lorena took a deep breath and flipped open her phone. Signora Pallas had brought it to her yesterday. After this, they discussed intensively the orphanage and the development that would be possible with the cheque she got from her magazine debut.

She couldn't bring herself to tell her about the development with Markris, though. She still found it hard to believe she was married to that man. If anyone told her she would be going back to his house a month after she ran away, she would have laughed in their face and called them crazy. Yet, here she was.

Lorena's got drowsy, and she decided to rest her eyes slightly. By the time she woke up again, she was being driven into a compound. Her heart jumped in her chest as she sat up immediately. She felt her body start to tremble as she looked around. She was here again. Black to Markris Andino. The car stopped, and the driver stepped down to open her door.

She took a minute to ready herself for the inevitable confrontation. Her hands fidgeted around the hem of her dress, and she chewed on her lip. She did a quick breathing exercise to calm her nerves before finally leaving the car.

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