Chapter 29: The Desire

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She exhaled discreetly when she spotted the uniform the girl was putting on. This was a maid and not Lorena, from what she remembered of the stunning beauty.

"Tanika, Where's Lorena?"

"She's upstairs." The girl replied, pretending not to notice the woman beside him.

"Okay. Prepare a room for our guest," He turned his head to her. "Would you like something to eat?"

"No," She shook her head vigorously. "I'm fine." She said, putting on a fake smile. Markris allowed his eyes to linger on her until she began to shift uncomfortably. He needed her to know that whatever she had would not materialize. Before the night was over, she would surely meet Lorena.

"Okay then," He nodded and turned around. "Let me know when you're done, Tanika." He said behind his shoulders as he walked up the stairs to his room.

Markris saw the lights in his room turned off from a distance, but when he moved his head to the other side, he saw Lorena's room lights were on. He visibly relaxed as he hurriedly made his way to his room.

If he had any luck, he would be done and out the door, before she returned to the room. Soon as he stepped into his dark room, her smell struck his nose, and he staggered back.

It was already a fact that even in her absence, her scent haunted him, but barely three full days in his room, and she had imprinted herself in it. He maneuvered his way to the light switch, its location locked in his memory, and switched it on. His eyes followed the light as it spread around the room. His nose scrunched, feeling like something was off.

"Hmmm." He scratched a finger on his lip as he looked around. Something seemed right, but more pressing issues needed his immediate attention. His eyes traveled down his body, and he shuddered at his clothes pressed against his skin. He walked over to his dressing table and carefully dropped his phone. Then he began to peel off the clothes from his body.

"Where to keep you now." He clucked his tongue, looking for the perfect spot to place the damp clothes, when he remembered the rail in his bathroom. "Gotcha!" He whistled, walking stark naked into the bathroom with the wet clothes in his hands.

Soon as he stepped into the bathroom, he spread the clothes on the rail, making a mental note to hand them over for proper washing when they were dried up. Turning his heater on, he stepped into the bathtub, ready to soak himself in a hot bath.

Markris stepped out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his lean waist. That shower did him and his respiratory system a world of good as he felt his clustered nose open up. His whistle note stopped midway when his eyes landed on the figure backing him in the center of the room.

"Lorena?" His brow popped, his eyes unable to believe she was standing in his room.

"Uhmm, sorry for just coming in." She said, slowly facing him. He inhaled sharply as soon as his eyes dropped to her body.

Her choice of clothing in this weather was rather interesting and damn right alluring. She was clad in nothing but a see-through nightgown that stopped a little past her thighs. The top part did the bare minimum to cover her breasts, and her midriff was covered by the panties she wore.

"Lorena." His voice came out rough and husky as he drank in her sight.

"Sorry for just barging in," Her toes curled beneath her legs as she swayed from side to side.

"I saw your room light on and figured you were back. I needed to ask a favor, so I came." She bit her lip. She peeped through the curl of her lashes to look at him. The water dripping from his hair, with that towel tied around his waist, was enough to get her heart racing.

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