Chapter 28: The Gush

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"Slow down, man," Jorginho said as he sprinted forward to catch up with Markris, who was already in the parking lot. A gush of wind-carrying raindrops blew, and a roar from the sky signaled it was about to open up.

Markris hurried to his car, trying every means to avoid the downpour he was sure would follow soon. He placed his hands on his car door and briefly paused. Shaking his head, he turned around to see Jorginho approach him.

"Damn, bro, I'm sorry." He said, bending over to catch his breath. A loud crack of thunder jolted, followed closely by bursts of lightning. They looked up at the sky simultaneously, just as heavy drops of rain began to pour.

Markris gave him a once over and sighed. "I'll address that sometimes you can't separate business from pleasure later. For now, go home," He pulled his door open. "I'll be damned if my Armani is ruined." He muttered under his breath. Pushing himself in, he slammed the door shut and turned the ignition on. He had barely been in the rain for two minutes, but his clothes were damp.

Carefully, he peeled the suit off his body and placed it gently on the passenger seat. All set, he horned to signal that he was leaving. The winged gate flew open, and he drove out.

He hated how his clothes clung to his body and how stiff his muscles felt. The thumping sound of the rain on his car further irritated him. He grated his teeth, trying to switch lanes because of the car in front of him. He wasn't sure the driver of that car knew it was raining and people needed to get home.

"Fucking drive faster!" He slammed his hands on his stirring. His jaw clenched tightly. He honked, but it didn't do any good. It looked like the car was even slowing down.

"Fuck me!" He cussed, his veins popping. He looked at his review mirror and saw no car approaching, so he quickly switched lanes. He was about to drive past when he peeped and saw a familiar face. He quickly maneuvered his car to the side and came to a halt. The woman in the car came down at the same time he came down from his.

"You may as well enjoy yourself." He whispered to the rain as it descended on his body recklessly. He hurried over to the woman who had whipped out her phone and was cussing out whoever was on the other end of the line. Whoever it was must have done something wrong, considering she was risking destroying her phone and catching a sickness.

"Now you listen to me, Rodrigo if you think..." She whipped her head around and saw Markris. Her eyes widened as her voice slowly faded away.

"Hey." He waved.

"Just come get the car!" She screamed and ended the call.

"What are you doing here?" She frowned, drawing closer to him.

"I should be asking you. You're the one that pissed me off driving like that." He raised his hand over his head. She looked up, noticing the downpour was even more wicked now, and they were completely drenched.

"Can we go into your car?" She asked, already running forward.

"Sure." He muttered to himself, following behind her.

"What the fuck are you doing packed on the highway in the middle of a heavy downpour, Ariana?" He asked when they were under the security of his car.

"Didn't you notice?" She scrunched her face, removing his wet suit embracing her already wet body, and placing it on the seat behind her. "My car stopped." She dragged the seat back to create room for her long legs, then reclined properly, sighing.

Markris stared blankly at her. He wasn't exactly sure what to say or do next. The last time he had seen her, she had left him a very cryptic message. Now she acted like she had not hacked into his company and they were just two estranged friends.

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