Chapter 48: The Veil

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"This costume makes me feel like a middle eastern bride about to be sold into a marriage of convenience." Lorena hissed, tempted to yank the veil off her face. For her, very few things were worse than being made to wear a veil. A stupid veil that served no purpose to her personally.

"I'm sorry gorgeous. You said you didn't want to wear a mask, so the veil was the other alternative." Marcelo responded.

"Still hate it, though." She muttered under her breath.

"Here, take my hands." He said, stretching out his hands, and she reluctantly accepted it.

As they entered the building, her heart began to beat faster. It wasn't enough that the whole environment was creepy but then they had to get into an escalator that took them down. Further down they went until it suddenly came to a stop.

"Where exactly are we going to, Marci?" She asked, with panic in her voice.

He smiled and held her hands firmly in his. "It's an underground party. Kinda extremely exclusive." He explained vaguely.

This did nothing to alleviate her fears, and soon enough, she felt beads of sweat forming on her forehead. They arrived at a door with two hefty men beside it.

"Mr Marcielo?" The bigger men asked, and Marcielo replied by holding an identity card. "Come on in, sir." He tilted his head.

Lorena studied every pattern of the room as they walked into a crowded space. The music was loud, and everywhere smelled like expensive Champaign. Also, just like Marcielo had said, everyone spotted a mask.

"How do you know these people, Marcie?" She asked, wary of her surroundings. This scene was so unlike him.

Markris, she could picture in a place like this, but not Marcielo. He was more classic and maybe ordinary. That was always his appeal. The one thing she appreciated the most about him. She wished he would talk to her. How could he not know there was nothing he couldn't tell her?

"Let's go over to the bar, and I'll explain." He said, dragging her through the crowded room.

It was a miracle they were able to get there in one piece. Between clutching her stomach to keep some alcohol-induced person from jamming into it and covering her nose to wade off the stench of cigarettes, she was ready to leave this place.

"How is anybody able to breathe, for heaven's sake!" She let out the breath she held as soon as they got to the less crowded bar.

The irony of the bar, which was supposed to be more crowded, being completely free, was not lost on her. At least until she read the sign that said VVIP only. Marcie must be some big deal here, she thought.

"One shot of whiskey for me and a bottle of water for the lady, please." He ordered, gently pulling his hands away from hers.

Lorena watched his movements closely. It was too obvious to her that he was putting on a front. Between his trembling fingers, he swiftly manoeuvred into his pants pockets, and with his constantly wandering eyes, she could tell something was amiss.

"Thank you." He nodded when the waiter presented them with their order.

"You just made me realise how thirsty I am." She said, chugging the bottle of water down her throat.

"I always know what you want, princess." He replied, downing his drink too.

Watching him closely, she spotted the moment his eyes turned to a squint. He placed a few notes on the table and turned to her. "Come with me, Lorena. There's something I need to show you."

"This is the moment." She thought. He had decided, and she was about to become a sacrificial lamb. Still, she followed behind him like a puppy.

Maybe she just wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she had known him for a long time and refused to believe he would ever sell her out. Regardless of the facts, she cared about him too much to dip without at least listening to his side of the story.

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