Chapter 41: The Date

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Lorena stood in front of the mirror, stark naked. Tonight, she was going on her very first date with Markris, and she wanted to look flawless.

If anyone had told her she'd ever reached the stage where she couldn't wait to see him, she would never have believed them. But here she was, standing naked in his room.

"My lady?" She heard Tanika call outside the door and quickly picked up a towel. Wrapping herself with it, she instructed the girl to come in.

"My lady, a package was just delivered to you." She said, coming in with a garment bag in hand. She went straight to bed, placed the heavy bag on it, and then turned to face Lorena.

"What's that, Tanika?" She asked, her face all scrunched up.

"I don't know," Tanika shrugged. "I guess you should open it, but I think it's a dress. Maybe there's a note somewhere."

"Oh?" Lorena moved to the bed and sat on it. "What did the delivery person say when they handed the package to you?" She asked, contemplating the wisdom in opening a package she neither expected nor knew its content.

"They just said it was to you, from someone special."

"Hmmm," She eyed the package suspiciously before moving her hands to touch it. "It does seem like it's a dress. I mean, why else would it be packaged right? I'll unzip it and take a peek," She said, her hands trembling as they pulled the bag's zipper down.

A note fell out of it when it was completely down, and her eyes met Tanika's. "There's a note too?" She muttered, picking it up. It was a pink paper with heart designs all over. She took a deep breath and opened the note.

The corners of her mouth turned into a smile as soon as she read the first line. After that, she was captivated as she hurriedly read through the note.

Tanika watched the swift expression shift on her lady's face, curious to know what the note was saying. She tapped her feet silently, her hands twisting together. She raised a toe, patience eluding her. "What does it say?" She finally asked when she couldn't take the suspense anymore.

"Oh, Tanika, it's from Markris!" She laughed, bringing the note to her chest. "It's a dress for our date tonight." She let her back fall to the bed as she kicked excitedly.

"You seem rather excited," Tanika said. It was strange to her seeing the lady not mad at the lord. They were always bickering, but they had finally resolved their issues. She couldn't be happier for them, especially because of the usual glow it had on her.

"Of course I am. Markris is finally behaving like a man worthy of commitment. That's all I've ever really wanted." She sighed, a dreamy look on her face. She hadn't seen the dress yet, but she already knew it was fire. The fact that he'd be taking it out of her after their date made her even more dizzy with excitement.

"Then I'm happy for you too." She smiled.

"Great!" She jumped out of bed, suddenly remembering she had no time left. "He said a driver will drop me off at the address for the date, and he'll meet me there. I should start prepping myself." She said, ripping the dress out of the bag.


Lorena gasped when she arrived at the venue Markris had prepared for their date. The isolated space, just beside a fountain, was decorated with chandeliers. The gold chandeliers had bulbs in them, lightening the whole field.

The smell from the flowers littered all around wafted through the air, but the most distinct was her smell. She sniffed, her eyes widening in disbelief. She wondered how he had managed to get her very much customised perfume.

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