Cԋαρƚҽɾ Eιɠԋƚყ Tԋɾҽҽ

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"Zhan!" Yibo cried and held him tight, not wanting Zhan to fall on the floor and hot himself somewhere.

Yibo called out Zhan several times along with others, but Zhan had already passed out.

"Xue Yang, call Wen Qing, please! Hurry up!" Yibo panicked.

"Yeah, sure!"

"Take him to the room." Qiren cried.

"Let me help you." Jiang Cheng offered and with his help, Wang Yibo carried Xiao Zhan to their room.

Once they had left, Qiren said, "Officer, please take them away."

"No... No, please! Xichen Ge, help me! Please...." Meng Yao cried.

"A-Yao, you don't have to be scared. I am here with you. We will figure out something." Fengmian tried to assure his son.

"You, shut up!" Meng Yao yelled. "It's all because of you! You came up with this stupid idea and now you dragged me into the mess you created! I will never forgive you for this! I am ashamed to call you as my father!"

"A-Yao! How could you say that to me? I did all this for you! For your happiness!" Fengmian retorted.

"My happiness?! My ass! Don't you dare talk to me again nor show that face of yours to me, ever again! I will figure out things on my own! From now on, you are neither my father nor I am your son! Mind it!" Meng Yao gritted.

Jiang Fengmian's face paled. He missed a breath and his heart froze! He could not believe his own son speaking to him like this. He had done everything for him. But now... when he got a problem, he turned his back to him! Jiang Fengmian tried to blink away his tears. His own son had betrayed him!

"Hmph... Fengmian, are you happy now? Wasn't it what you wanted? Now, do you know how it feels to be betrayed by your own blood? Huh? You did everything for him and his family but what did you get in return? Huh? Fengmian, can you even recall one instance on which A-Cheng had talked to y I c like this? You had never done him anything but still, he never said that you weren't a father for him. In fact, he had always been calling you 'father' whole heartedly despite you doing nothing for him. But this, this son of yours, you did everything for him, but he did not even acknowledge you. He did not even regard you as a human with feelings in th least! Fengmian, to be honest, you deserve this. You deserve this for what you have done for us. For me mad my children! You seriously deserve it!"

"Ziyuan, I...." Fengmian was lost for words and he felt a sharp pain on his heart. He finally, regretted all his actions, but unfortunately, it was too late! There was no turning back now!

Yu Ziyuan and the whole family, except Zhan, Yibo and Jiang Cheng, watched the two culprits, namely, Fengmian and Meng Yao, being dragged away by the collar. Yu Ziyuan's heart clenched at the sight but she tried to hide her emotions under her stern gaze. She had to be strong for her children!


"How is he?" Yibo asked Wen Qing who was examining Zhan.

"Nothing to worry. He is fine. He has passed out due to shock. Nothing serious."

"When will he wake up?" Yanli asked next.

"In a while. By the way, I have not prescribed him any medicines. He is already taking medicines for his injuries and this do not require any medications. So let's not burden him with medicines. Adequate rest would be enough for him to recover."

"Okay." Yibo answered.


It was almost noon when Zhan finally stirred out of his unconsciousness.

"Yibo..." he worded out weakly and Yibo was alre beside him, helping to sit straight.

"How are you feeling now?" Yibo questioned.

"A little headache." Zhan answered.

"Yanli Jie...." Yibo yelled on the top of his lungs. "Zhan is awake."

"Why are you shouting?" Zhan hissed.

"She asked me to call her once you wake up."

"You could have..." Before he could continue, the room was soon crowded by his family.

"A-Zhan, how are you feeling?"

"Xiao Zhan, do you feel better?"

"Here, have some water."

"Zhan.... Do you have any pain?"

Voices rang around him. He just nodded and repeated, "A little better."

He then looked around his family. Everyone were there except... Jiang Fengmian. Zhan felt a sharp pain recalling what had just happened. He could not help but cry! It hurt to know that his uncle had used him!

"A-Zhan, are you alright?" Yanli questioned.

"Are you alright?" Zhan questioned back.

"I am..." Zhan cut her off, short.

"Don't lie. I... I know how it feels to know someone you treasure betray you. I... I am sorry for you. I..."

"Zhan, its OK. You don't have to be sorry. This is not your fault." Yanli assured.


"A-Zhan," It was Madam Yu. "It's our fate. Whatever happened was already predestined. It's not in our hands to change it or alter it. We just have to accept it. So let's not dwell on this topic anymore."

"I know, but still..." Zhan tried but he was interrupted by Jiang Cheng.

"Zhan, please, let's not talk about this anymore. Let's just forget this whole thing that had happened. Let's just forget... him!"

Zhan clearly saw the pained look on his family but he knew that it was better to keep shut and not talk of this anymore! It was better for him and for everyone else!

May be, this was just the beginning of the happy life ahead! May be this was just the turning point of their lives!

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