23.)I love you, but I'm hot

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Jasmines POV: 

My eyes fluttered open, instantly squinting at the bright light in my room. Since when did Mikey buy a gigantic florescent light?

I looked beside me to see my mom sleeping on my dads shoulder who was snoring loudly with his back against the wall. I sat up, glancing around what looked like a hospital room. 

I glanced at my arms flinching at the needle in them. I hate needles. 

Why the hell am I in the hospital?

"Oh my god! Mark, wake up!" I looked beside me to see my mom beaming at me in aw. 

What the hell is that all about? 

My dads eyes fluttered open before glaring at my mom. "What?" 

"Look!" She practically screamed, pointing in my direction. 

"Why am I in the hospital?" I yawned, stretching my arms over my head. I know I just napped but geez I'm so exhausted.

"That boy hooked you on drugs didn't he honey? You can tell us." My mom batted her eyes, before firmly gripping my hand. 

Drugs? Wait. Drugs?! They know. How do they know?

"W-what?" I stuttered. There's no way they would know. It was just a little bit of weed. That wouldn't have put me in the hospital. 

"They found an extremely high dosage of fentanyl in your system when you arrived sweetie." My dad intervened.

Fentanyl? I've never taken fentanyl in my life! 

The memories started rushing back to me from yesterday night. I was supposed to party with my friends, but Reggie and Ryder got into a fight. I got punched! 

I remember the bone crushing feeling over Ryders fist connecting with my cheek, touching my face at the memory. My eyes widened when I felt my regular smooth skin on my cheek in place of the bump I had last night. 

Did I wake up and become a super-hero? How the hell did I heal so fast?

"Mom, Dad. How did I get here?" I asked them slowly. The last thing I remember is being in the kitchen with Ryder and screaming about killer sparkles, but that doesn't explain all of this. 

"We don't know sweetie. Let me call Riley, maybe she can tell you something we can't." She said, putting her phone to her ear. 

I took a glance at my dad who still wouldn't wipe that 'oh lord all mighty' look off of his face. I fake smiled at him, before laying back down and hiding underneath my covers. 

If something bad did happen to me last night, the last people I wanted by my bedside were my parents. 

The sunlight shined underneath the hospital blanket, causing something to reflect off of it and shine in my eye. I flinched, pulling the covers off of me and sitting up.

"What's wrong honey?" My dad asked, placing a hand on the side of my bed. 

I glanced at my lap, looking for something that would have caused the reflection. My phone maybe?

I stopped, pausing when I noticed the culprit. Reggies shark tooth necklace was hung perfectly around my neck. I held the tooth in my hand, looking back at my dad. 

"I'm fine." I smiled.

I ran my fingers through my hair. I need answers! Why is Reggies necklace around my neck? I wasn't wearing it to the party. I wasn't wearing it all yesterday!


I snapped my neck to the door to see a doctor walking in. 

"Hello, Ms.Lewis."  I grimaced at him calling me my mothers name.

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