34.) You Got a Friend in Me

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2 weeks later:

The hospital was a movie scene. Jaxons mother and step-dad both cried in each others arms, even Vicky's eyes were swollen and red.

Riley had completely fallen apart, but she didn't even know about Jaxon and Mikey yet. I hadn't had the power to tell her, and school has been out of session since. She was only sobbing over Ryders arm.

I was now listening to the numbing sound of Jaxons monitor beeping. I didn't have any more tears left to cry so I sat there staring at him sleeping for over an hour, completely stuck in my head.

I couldn't wake him. He told me he liked it better asleep, because he wasn't in any pain, and because he didn't have to think when he was asleep. He didn't have to think about how being paralyzed would change his life.

No more football. 

He had to mourn the death of his friend while also mourning his losses.

Ryder had lost a lot of blood, being the reason he was still in the hospital but he would still be able to walk, maybe he wouldn't be able to play football anymore but still leave here walking on his own.

Why did it have to be me? Why did it have to be the people I cared about? Some twisted part of me wishes this all happened to Ryder, but that would never happen.

Everything always goes perfect for those two.


His monitor won't shut the fuck up! I gripped the roots of my hair in frustration, kicking the chair next to me.

"Shit." I sighed.

I remember the moment in school when I didn't know if Derrick was to blame for his actions, but I now I did.

He is. He deserves to rot in a burning fucking cell in hell! He took everything from me! I swear if I ever lay eyes on him again he's dead! 

"How long have you been here?" I shifted to Jaxon who was now wide awake.

"Not long," I lied. "I'm sorry for waking you."

"You really shouldn't be here." His face was raw and lacking any sign of emotion which is how he's been for weeks now.

It's like he can't feel anything, or won't allow himself to.

"I told you I'm not-

"Jasmine. Don't. Don't say that!" He yelled.

I stared at him in pure shock. Why was he screaming? I'm the only one here.

"You do realize I'm going to be walking on wheels now, don't you?"

I shifted my gaze to the floor. I guess I do have more tears, cause here they were blurring my vision.

"I don't care Jax. I love you! I'm going to be right here by your side for as long as you're alive." I managed to muster. He blinked away, a single tear slipping down his cheek.

It was weird seeing him cry. Jaxon almost never cried, not unless something was very, very wrong. 

 "You love me?" Finally I could see his sad eyes. The look he had when he heard about Mikey. He was finally letting me in!

"Yes." I smiled, gripping his hand a little bit harder.

I was confused, watching as his eyes turned from sad to bored all over again. At least I got to see a second of what he was feeling on the inside.

"Well who cares, I'm marrying Ari at the end of the school year and I guess she's going to be the one stuck taking care of me." His eyes were trained on the hospital walls instead of me. Why is it that nobody can look me in the eyes when they break my heart? Is that something everyone does? Or is it just me?

"Y-your what?"

"You heard me. We've been arranged to be married since last year. It's a business deal."

My eyes shifted around the room in disbelief. How could I be so blind? It was all right in front of my face. The random appearance at Ryders house, them sneaking around while I was living with him, all of the lies and reassurance that I was the one and he pulls this!

My mind stopped racing, thinking back to the hallway. She hadn't invited me to her wedding out of kindness, I bet you she didn't even care at all. She invited me out of spite!  To rub it in my face, but I couldn't see it then! 

"How-how could you keep that from me?!" I yelled.

"You liar. That whole spiel about loving me, taking care of me, holding me- I let you..

"I let you in- my voice broke off for the hundredth time today. I could never stop crying. Everything was going wrong. And here I was thankful that I at least had the love of my life who had pleaded for me to let him back in, but I didn't even have him.

"How could I be so foolish?" I gritted, standing up from my chair. 

"You know what, Jaxon? Fuck you! Fuck you!" I pointed angrily at him. I knew I probably looked psychotic seeing as how I hadn't combed my curls out in days and there were deep bags starting to form under my eyes from the lack of sleep, but I didn't care. 

The next thing I knew a nurse rushed into the room along with Jaxons family. 

"What the hell is going on?" His step-dad asked. 

I scoffed, tucking a loose strand behind my ear. 

"I'm sure you already know the answer to that." I muttered, before brushing past everyone. I stopped as I reached the door. My hand was on the handle.

He had hurt me twice, once after he said he wouldn't. But could I walk away from him? Just because he's paralyzed doesn't mean he isn't the same Jaxon I first met at the beginning of the school year. He was still charming, and sweet, and caring, but I can't forgive him this time. 

I just can't.

"I never want to see you again." 

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