25.) in a barbie world

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I yawned, yanking the covers off of my head.

I immediately squinted at the beading sun coming through the garage windows.

I turned to my other side, squinting at what looked to be a life sized barbie in my bed. I rubbed my eyes, trying to get them to focus.

"Aaah!" I screamed, pushing at the person in my bed. I fell to the floor with a thud, before resurfacing to peek at Jaxon.

I held in a chuckle at the sight of his face. He must've fallen asleep before the boys. His eyelids were decorated with a light blue eye shadow, and his lips looked like they were dipped in a bucket of red lipstick.

His upper lip and his chin were smudged with red, and his curls were tied up in a tiny ponytail on his head.

"What's the matter princess?" Jaxon smirked.

I gawked at him in disbelief before gazing around the room. Mikey was on the couch slobbering, meanwhile Shawn was laid squished beside him with his arms wrapped around Mikeys toes, and Reggie, who was snoring on the bean bag with his cowboy hat over his face.


"Aw, don't tell me I scared you." I grinned, before sitting up. His back touched the headboard, and that's when I noticed his six pack. He's shirtless! Why is he shirtless.

I quickly glanced down at my body to make sure I wasn't naked. Quickly sighing when I came to the realization that we couldn't possibly have done anything. I was wearing the same clothes I wore yesterday when I got into bed.

"What are you doing?"

"What do you mean what am I doing?"

"You know what I mean!" I practically shouted.

"Well, we all got shit faced after you passed out and well, I don't really remember the rest." He smiled, showing off his front row of teeth.

Don't roll your eyes. Don't roll your eyes.

Damn it, I had to. He's a moron!

"Well I know one thing is for certain. We didn't you know..." I awkwardly pointed between us, causing him to scrunch his eyebrows together in confusion.

"Don't make me say it."

"We didn't what?" I want to smack that smug smirk off of his handsome little face! He's eating this up!

"You know..."

"No, I don't actually."

"We didn't have sex!"

"Oh that. Of course not, I definitely would have remembered." He grinned, before standing from the bed.

"But let me tell you that was the best sleep I've had in a while." He turned to glance at me from over his shoulder before tugging his shirt over his head.

I held in a sigh, wishing he had kept it off just a little while longer. Wait, what am I saying? Do not wish such a thing! Me? Why would I want to see my ex boyfriend shirtless? Especially when his face looks like that?

"I've missed you princess."

"You can't see it, but I'm barfing on the inside!" I hollered at his back.

"Yeah, yeah." He muttered, before jumping on top of Reggie.

"Aw shit!" Reggie groaned, holding his stomach.


I turned seeing something moving in my peripheral. Mikey wasn't on the couch anymore, even though I had never seen him get up from his drool session.

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