37.) Aids

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I was now outside of Jaxons mansion, and the urge to poop my pants on the front steps still has not passed. After the ten minute pep talk on the driveway I was finally able to knock.

I mean what are you supposed to say to a guy that you just told you never want to see again.

'Surprise mother-fucker I lied!'

Oh no! I can't do this. I turned around to walk down the stairs when I heard the door peek open.


It was Vicky.

"Hi um. Can I talk to Jaxon? I mean- is he here? If he's not here I can totally leave. I just- um- well you see-

"Come in." She groaned, opening the door wider for me to come in.

I quickly shut my mouth before entering their home. I glanced at the shiny floors and the new, new couches that are now in the living room. My heart clenched at the memory of his mom yelling at him in the kitchen.

"He's in his room, I'm sure you remember where that is." She smirked, before walking away.

Normally I would have been upset in that interaction, but it felt good to be treated the same way after everything that has happened. Leave it to the wretched step sister to be the only one who doesn't look at me with pity, or change the way she talks to me.

I make my way up the staircase, slowly making my way down the hallway. I stop at Jaxons door. Today he isn't the boy I fell in love, he isn't the ex that broke my heart, he is a friend whom I love and care about.


"Who is it?"

"It's-it's Jasmine." I struggled to get my words out.

"H-hold on." I heard him mumble before hearing shifting and a series of drawers closing.

"Come in."

I opened the door to reveal Jaxon sitting in his wheel chair. He quickly ran a hand through his hair, smiling up at me.



"How's it going?" I stupidly muttered. Of course it's not going good for him.

He quirked an eyebrow at me confused before using his hands to roll him toward the nightstand.

"You seriously came all of this way to ask me how I'm doing?" He asked.

"No." I released a shaky laugh. "I-

"Listen, I shouldn't have talked to you that way at the hospital. You already had a lot going on and-


"No please let me get this out, because I feel terrible and I didn't mean it." His eyes held a stern look, but he stayed silent.

"I didn't mean it when I said I never wanted to see you again. There's no way I could never see you again, or not think about you. You were everything to me, you still are everything to me." He stayed silent, his eyes unwavering from mine.

I took that as my cue to continue, or in my case ramble.

"I was so overwhelmed with what had happened, and losing Mikey-

I stopped at the threat of tears bubbling in my throat.

"I just didn't want to lose you. And after a not so pleasant talk with Riley and a plan to crash your wedding with Ryder they kind of broke through to me. They made me realize that even though we're not together I don't have to lose you if I don't want to. And trust me I am perfectly fine with being your friend, because I love you!" I exclaimed. I sighed, finally able to take a breath.

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