43.) Trial and Tribulation

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 I shivered at the feeling of cold air on my skin. I looked around the room to see three fans blowing on me. God, why does it feel exhausting to move?

My vision was still insanely blurred, and my head was definitely spinning. That punk spiked my drink.. so I would sleep with him? He said he didn't care if I was conscious or not. I instantly kicked into fight mode. Jumping up from the bed and falling back down. 

God, it feels like I overdosed on NyQuil or something. "Trying to leave so soon?" I looked up from the floor to see Ted slowly stalking toward me. 

"Listen, I won't tell anyone about this if you let me go right now." I sighed.

"Nooo. Nobody's going to hear about this, because tomorrow you won't have the faintest clue what happened here." He chuckled. I fought back tears as he gripped a clump of my hair, pulling me back onto the bed. 

"Now, lets get this thing off of you." He grinned, pulling at the sleeves of the bodysuit. 

"No." I cried. "Please stop Ted. I won't tell." I whispered. The tears stung my eyes as they fell down my cheek. 

"God, you're pathetic." He chuckled, before planting kisses down my neck. I crinkled my nose at the smell of foriegn alcohol on his breath. 

I attempted at pushing him away, but that quickly ended with him gripping both my wrists, and holding them above my head. "Be a good girl for me tonight baby." He groaned, I cringed at the feeling of his tongue on my stomach. 

"Please don't do this. I'm a virgin!" I cried out. His head was suddenly in view as he stared at me in shock. 

"A virgin?" I laughed. "Oh please, save that for someone who belives you." He snorted. 

I squeezed my eyes shut, begging for this all to stop. 

I sucked in a breath at the sound of tearing. My butt was suddenly greeted with warmth at the feeling of his hands on my naked butt. 

"NOOOO!" I screamed, pushing my waist off in an attempt to get his hands off of me. 

"Shut the fuck up!" He gritted. 

I winced at the sharp sting in my cheek as he punched me repeatedly. 


I watched as the boy's head almost spun off of his shoulders. "Liam.. wha-

"Get the hell of of her right now!" 

"B-but.. I wasn't doing anything!" Ted screamed. 

"Get. Away. From. Her." 

I didn't know who my savior was, but I didn't care at all. I just wanted out of this dark room, and safe.

I shivered as I was picked up bridal style from the bed. "Sshh, you're okay now." 

I glanced up to take a peak at them, but held in my shock when I saw the boy that had escorted me earlier. 

Suddenly I was out of the darkness and greeted with bright light from the hallway. From the way we were walking I knew we were headed down stairs. 

I watched as he walked through the dining room and to the kitchen. "Here." He whispered, placing me gentley on a stool. 

I gripped the side of the bar for stability, seeing as how everything was still blurry. I looked down to see he had a wrapped a blanket around me. I don't remember that. Why don't I remember that?

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