32) Catch a Tiger by its Toe

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Jaxons POV:

Jasmine giggled at the boys theatrics, which maybe would've made me laugh if I wasn't focused on Mason Stolbridge sitting next to her.

That's the jock that gave her detention? The guy that slept with Ari when we were on our 'big break.'

I couldn't lie by saying I wasn't jealous. I like Ari, I've known her for forever, I just didn't want her as much as I wanted Jasmine.

Is it possible to be in love with two people at once?

I was instantly torn from my thoughts at Reggie and Mikey running away, and then Ryder.

I didn't ask questions, as I chased after them.

I followed the boys down the hall, bumping into them at their sudden hault.

"What's wrong guys, you look scared." An unfamiliar voice spoke. I couldn't comprehend the guys words, all I could focus on was the shiny, metal gun in his hands.

His name was Derrick Conn, a band geek, and it also didn't help that he was gay.

I remember some of the guys picking on him in the locker room during gym.

"I bet you enjoy being in here with all of us guys, don't you?" Someone had said.

Derricks cheeks turned a bright shade of red, before he quickly averted his gaze.

"Fucking fa****!" One of the boys yelled before gripping him by the collar.

The locker room was then filled with chants as everyone circled around to watch the scene unfold.

I watched from the locker room bench as they threw him in the shower with his clothes on.

"Damn, now your clothes are all wet. Let us help you out." It was. Mason. He had unbuckled his pants, ripping them off of him, while the others tugged at his other clothes.

Derrick sat there naked, whimpering. My heart felt for him, but I just sat there.

"Wait!" The chanting quieted as Mason leant to take a longer peek at Derrick.

"He fucking likes it!" He mocked.

"Brooo." Another guy laughed.

"He's got a hard on!"

Soon enough the entire locker room was filled with pointing fingers and laughter.

"Come here." Mason chuckled, gripping Derrick by the armpits. They pulled him up, and out of the shower before dragging him out of my line of sight.


I don't know what else they did to him that day, but it couldn't have been good.

"Derrick, hey buddy." Ryder chimed.

"Don't call me that!" He screamed.

I froze, with my hands up. What the fuck do I do? I can't die! I have a scholarship! And I haven't even made my amends yet!

I looked to the sides of me , seeing all of my friends scared faces.

"Whoo that was close." I turned to see Reggie rushing up, with Shawn in hand.

I death glared him as a tactic to warn him before turning the corner, but it was too late.

"You guys left me back there!" Shawn exlaimed.

"But luckily I-

Reggie was interrupted by the sound of something clicking. Our heads snapped to the sound, causing Reggie and Shawn to finally snap into what was happening.

"Wait.. Derrick?" Reggie seemed confused, but concerned.

"Why are you-

"Shut the hell up!"

Reggie's mouth snapped shut. His eyes turned to me, but I quickly looked away. What happened next was my fault. I should've stopped the guys that day in the locker room, but I didn't.

Fuck! Why didn't I? Why didn't I stand up for him? 

"Reggie, Shawn, Mikey you can go. But you two," he pointed the gun between Ryder and I. "Need to stay." The boys eyed us carefully, before I nodded for them to leave.

They're better off safe, and out of harm anyways.

"What do you- Ryder started to speak.

"Shush! I get to do the talking!"

"Do you know what it was like?" Derrick asked.

"To be bullied every single day of your life? To be baited? Physically and mentally tormented?" The answer to that question was yes, but something told me that wasn't what he wanted to hear.

"You two might've never paid me any mind, but I paid close attention. You are just as bad as the rest of them." He admitted.


"No you listen! Remember the locker room Jaxon? Or football Ryder?" His glare was one I had never seen before... it was truly a death glare.

"Let's just say, I'm not doing this as a 'thank you." He spat sarcastically.

"Now. The two of you are going to stand there while I play a little game."

I glanced at Ryder who was wearing the poker face of a life time. I've known him since birth, and I know he's scared shirtless right now.

"Eeny, meeny, miney, you." He chuckled, pointing the gun at Ryders chest.

My head snapped next to me to stare at Ryder who was already looking at me.

His eyes were calm, but pleading. He was pleading for something. It wasn't for his life though, it was more like a plea to me.

In some freakish way it was like they were speaking to me, and I knew exactly what he was saying.

"Don't blame yourself."

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