26.) Rich Dick

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"Do you know who I am?" I wanted to roll my eyes at the obese prick sitting in my co-workers section. He has been cat calling her all night, and now that she doesn't want him she's a slut that he can and quote "get fired."

I wiped down my tables, keeping their conversation in ear shot.

"Yes sir I do. I just don't-

"Either you be a good waitress or I am going to make all of this - he  made a circle with his finger- disappear." The man sneered.

A good waitress? Who the fuck is he? Lacy has been kissing his ass since she clocked in for her shift yet he was still being a prick!

I huffed, slamming my rag on the table.

"Liam!" I yelled to the kitchen.

The cooks eyes turned to me, before shifting to a surfacing Liam.

"Your Majesty?" He mocked, before stepping out of the kitchen, and to the bar.

"Either you take care of the dick with legs at table seven or I will."

He blinked at me before shifting his gaze to Lacy and the man talking. She obviously looked flustered.

"And what exactly am I supposed to be taking care of?"

"He has been making sexist comments to her all night, asking her for sex in exchange for a 'big tip' I quoted with my finger, and told her if she doesn't that  he will get her fired." I whisper shouted at him.

He rolled his eyes, hushing me with his fingers.

"Geez could you be any louder? We don't want to mend Mr.Brocks reputation do we?"

I held in my 'what the fuck' face, before slamming my fist on the bar.

"I want him out of here right now Liam!"

I watched as his eyes grew wide, before glancing around at the stares around the restaurant.

I hissed at him gripping my wrist before dragging me into the kitchen.

"Look I know class might not be a characteristic trait you carry, but here at "BZ'S" that is all we must have. Now if you are going to parade around here like some lunatic than you may excuse yourself."

My mouth fell open at his words. Some lunatic?

"Maybe if you put all of this effort- I motioned between us- into keeping your employees safe instead of in-line, we wouldn't be having this discussion." I sneered before pushing the door open to the dining room.

What a fucking prick!

I didn't notice the all black figure standing in the doorway, causing me to bump there shoulder as I walked by.

"I'm sorry." I muttered, before wiping away a tear I didn't realize had even fallen.

I trudged back to my tables, wiping down the crumbs off of each one.

I sigh, tucking the rag into the side of my apron before stopping dead in my tracks.

What the fuck is he doing here?

I duck behind a table before realizing the customers eyes suddenly shifting in my direction.

I stand up with an awkward smile before walking over to the bar. Maybe if I just put my hair down he won't see me.

I tug at the hair tie in my hair before my curls fall out. I tug at them, moving them around so they're shielding my face.

"Hey." I hollered, knocking on the bar to signal the bartender.

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