29.) Ring Around the Rosey, We ALL Fall Down

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I didn't know if is was me or my anxiety swirling, but it seemed like everyone was staring and whispering as I walked to my locker.

Yes, I am the 'freak' girl who was in a coma for a month. Get over it people!

I whipped out my phone in an attempt to ignore the stares, but my cheeks still flushed at the thought that they might still be staring.

"Hey. It's Jasmine right?" I looked up to see a dark haired, tanned Latina standing in front of me. It was Ari.

Her deep dimples were evident in her smile. Her hair looked bigger than usual, probably a blowout. As much as I blamed her for being the reason Jaxon and I broke up, I couldn't act like she wasn't beautiful.

"Yes, and you are?" Of course I knew who she was , but the anger inside of me boiled at the sight of her, and it made me feel good to be a little bitchy.

"My names Ari." She held her hand out for me to shake, which I completely ignored.

I finally made it to my locker, opening it up, I grabbed my Chemistry book.

"We met at Ryders house?"

I glanced at her, before shaking my head like I had no memory of that day. Of course I remember!

Why is she even trying to talk to me at all? I thought we hated each other? That's the reason we were always exchanging dirty looks when we saw each other in the halls.

"Anyways," she smiled, flipping her hair behind her shoulder.

"I'm getting married at the end of the school year, and I'm practically inviting the whole school, you should come." I looked up at her to see if she was serious or just on drugs.

But given by her overly cheerful smile, and how tight she was clenching onto her text books she must've been very serious.

"Soo, here's an invitation, you can bring a plus one if you choose. But text me and I'll put 'em on the guest list." I grimaced a little, watching her smile somehow grow bigger. She must really be happy, but to me she looked like some invisible man was putting a glock to her head and forcing her to say this.

She held out an all white card for me to take, which I'm guessing was an invitation.

I took my last text book out of my locker, before slamming it shut.

"I'll pass." I mumbled, before turning in the direction of my first period.

"Wait," I turned to face her at the feeling of my wrist being tugged. "C'mon, just take one." She pleaded with me. I groaned, gripping the paper in my hand.

Thanks to her I'm late for class.

I glance at the paper, groaning at myself.

I walked in the direction of my class, trying my hardest not to slam my head against a nearby locker.

I forgot my glasses this morning. I was in a rush like always, and forgot to grab them, so I couldn't really see anything. I could recognize faces through the blur, but words were more complicated than that.

I gripped the top of the sheet, ripping it in half and throwing it into a nearby trash can.

Hmm, it would have actually been interesting to see what doughbag was willing to marry her cookie cutter self, but I guess i'll have to wait and see.

I sighed, tugging my backpack off, heading in the direction of the only available seat in the class... the seat in front of my teachers desk. Great.

"Your late Jasmine." He announced, without turning around from the whiteboard. How do teachers do that?

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