3.✔️: stucked

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"WHATTTTTT" i shouted on top of my lungs

"Yup " Lia replied with a calmness in her voice

"I don't know why you're so calm but I'm not getting anything care to explain what's happening here?" I asked her not being able to get anything

"Well basically i also don't know anything but the well it was that when i woke up i was inside the ship already and infront of me was a mirror at first i thought I was dreaming as it was not me it was someone else then I remembered that we were hit by the truck so it made sense that either i was saved or i was having dreams the first one was the most believable one but when i encountered the pirateez from the side of the deck it just made sense as the story matched to the fanfic description you told me so basically i figured it out also the girl Yuri was the name you mentioned before so yeah I got the idea that i was fucking stucked in a fanfic which was not realistic at all soon after that i met your eyes and the way you simped over pirateez made me believe that it was you IDIOT now what about you care to explain how you got here?"

I blinked my eyes trying to process everything my friend Lia just told me
It was impossible how can this happen it's not realistic at all
But her brain capacity didn't changed at all and she being a genius she is just made conclusions so easily

"Well I woke up with a girl around around me who kept on calling me sugar and then suddenly she started dragging me then we hid in a tent and then a man came to get me and made me sit in a tent and then there was fire everywhere and then I decided to sprint towards the ship but i don't know what got into me that I was running like a sloth and thus to avoid the man chasing me i jumped into this ship but again i was not able to jump high as usual and hit my head on the wooden floor and then I fainted"
I told her in one breath

"Why would you run from that girl and man though it was more safe there stupid"

Lia asked me

"Well that ummm actually I thought I was dead and in heaven and the way they kept on calling me sugar made me think that ummm it's embarassing but I'll tell you that maybe they named me so cause i read too much of sugar daddies stuff so yeah and when the man came i thought that he was from hell trying to take me there cause he found out I'm not so innocent so here I am "

I nervously chuckled while rubbed the back of my neck while clearly embarrassed.

"I i I don't have words i never thought you were this stupid idiot are you that idiotic is it even possible you're 20 so behave like a one " she scolded me being a mother she is

I rolled my eyes at her

"But how are you even looking like this ?" I asked her clearly not being able to take in her new apperance
"Well that's cause we both are Stucked in the bodies of some characters in this book" she said while looking at her hands.

"What you mean by both?"
"My pretty baby look at the mirror there " she said while she shifted herself to allow me to look at the mirror

The second i looked at my reflection in the mirror.


I shouted and it was my most loud shout ever i think so
Lia was startled
" It's not me it can't be
I was never a mannnnn
I kept on touching my body unable to believe it all.

I had black hair with flicks and my face had a sharp jawline.
My body was still thin and hieght was about 5'10 I guess
I wore a black tshirt with white shorts and my one ear had a piercing.
It can't be
I'm a guy

I looked down and saw that my chest was now flat and the area which was flat was now bluffed
If you know what I mean

i was now at the verge of breakdown while Lia was trying to calm me down
Suddenly we heard some running footsteps approaching towards us
We looked over to see jongho approaching us

Pirate king Ateez (the one who wears the crown bears the crown )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt