19.✔️: it's after me?

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SAN QUICKLY INFORM THE CREW" soenghwa shouted as san left me there and ran towards the corridor.

"BE QUICK WE CAN'T DEFEAT IT WITH WEAPONS TIE ALL THE KNOTS AND LET THE SHIP SAIL AT IT'S HIGHEST SPEED"soenghwa yelled over as the crewmates did as he said making the ship sail at a good speed.

Me being a clumsy head stumbled as soon as the ship increased it's speed making me fall on the floor on my butt.


I somehow got up and rubbed my butt.

It hurted.

Then I saw mingi coming running towards us.

"Seonghwa what happened"

"We don't have time for it it's the legendary kraken quickly get everything ready now!!!!" He yell as mingi nodded as he took off running.

"The storm is coming infront of. Us!" Hoongjoong yelled as everyone's face paled.


First the kraken and over it the storm now.



"ALL DONE CAPS" yunho yelled from the basement.

Then I saw wooyoung who came running towards us but soon surpassed us as he headed on the main mast and climbed it at an inhuman speed.

"The squid is just below us captain!!"wooyoung shouted

"Where's Jongho!" Captain yelled back

"He's with San preparing the weapons" wooyoung yelled back.

"Quickly get the canons ready" hoongjoong yelled.

And then a tentacle raised from the ocean as it striked the ship making the ship bend over in one direction.

The crew were yelling and screaming in fear as some of the members fell into the ocean .

"Go inside now!!!" Soenghwa yelled at me as he took out his sword and took after the tentacle.

"Canons are ready!!!"

"Ready set fire" hoongjoong growled.

I hurried inside the kitchen there I saw Yuri , yeosang, Lia sitting as yeosang was hugging Yuri and was trying to calm her down.

"Sangie hoongjoong is still outside" I heard Yuri say

She do care for him

As soon as yeosang saw me he ran towards me and hugged me

"You're alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine are you all ok"

He nodded his head

Lia came to me as she tackled me

"I was so scared for you you don't have any idea" she said as she hugged me

"I'm fine Lia" I said

"Ok so now I'll be going outside okay? Everyone no matter what happens don't come outside please" yeosang said as he headed outside.

The only thing which was audible to us was the sound of the blowing of canons and the screams and shout of the crew members.

"What's going to happen?" Yuri suddenly said as her eyes were fixed on the floor.

"It'll be fine ok" I said as I tried to convince her

"And how do you even know?"

"I I I Just know"

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