56.✔️ friend or foe?

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"queen please embark" we were brought back to our consciousness when a servant called hoonah asking her to move forward.

Hoonah slowly started taking steps downstairs as we were behind her.

My eyes never left soenghwa as he didn't looked in my direction because he was busy chatting with hongjoong.

Yeonjun was already mesmerized by hoonah and the king became a loser for her.

I laughed at his expressions but was sure that mine were no better

What if soenghwa didn't liked me ?

What if he changed his mind because I look too ugly?

I looked over to Lia who was already having a eye contact with wooyoung whose face was pale as if he saw a ghost.

Seems like he couldn't take my besties beauty.

San tried his best to not show his expressions but he sure failed as he never let his eyes leave yeji's body.

Now hongjoong Turned too as his eyes scanned Yuri and I swear I saw heart in his eyes and he had a pure smile on his face as if he was seeing the prettiest thing in the whole world

And that's when I made an eye contact with soenghwa and I felt like in a movie .

It was just him and me as we both maintened our eye contact.

I was walking down the stairs but it felt like I was walking down the aisle.

I tried to read soenghwa's face .

His jaw was opened slightly as his eyes were twice his original size .

He forgot to blink and even his hands froze in air.

He wasn't even moving.

Was he sleeping or what?

And slowly we were standing on the ground as we stopped In a line

Just infornt of us at a distance of 10 meter were the boys and yeonjun.

Hoonah slowly walked towards yeonjun as we watched the couple in awe.

Yeonjun suddenly started crying as we  panicked

"Shit shit why are you crying?" Hoonah said as she tried to stop his fork crying

"You look so pretty and it doesn't feel real oh my god I feel like I'm in a dream I just I'm sorry I can't hold it you're so pretty" Yeonjun said as the whole palace went awwww and then hoonah gave him a peck as the crowd did and aww part 2

They looked so cute together

I kept on taking glances of soenghwa and everytime I would do that I'll caught him looking at me

Did I looked that bad? Was he regretting his choice?

"Congratulations to the couple and now we will start the dance soon so till that enjoy your food!" The man said as the crowd cheered as they started doing their jobs.

I was about to go to the boys but stopped when I saw the same girl Anna from before walking to soenghwa

Wait wait

Don't tell me he's the purple guy!

I scoffed at the scene as soenghwa looked at her.

He was annoyed which I was able to make out with his expression and the other three girls walked to san , wooyoung and hongjoong that made my three friends burn in jealousy which we didn't knew we were feeling.

Fuck this shit

Soenghwa suddenly looked at me and as if he read me he gave me a smirk and then I widened my eyes when I saw him bringing he took the girl's hand before kissing the back of her hand

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