32.✔️: hiding in spa

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"YNNN!!!!LIAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!"Chan shouted as he came into our room running

"What happened Chan why are you panicking" I said as I stood up from the bed as Lia stood up too

"He*pants* search*pants*. Lia and you* pants"

"Jeez first take some air " Lia said as she handed him a glass of water

He quickly drank the water dripping some of it on the floor and his clothes

"Now tell" I said

"I just met hyunjin and-- ........................"Chan told them everything

"WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT"me and Lia screamed

"It's not the time to scream go and hide somewhere quickly " he said

I quickly grabbed Lia's hand as we both exited the house and ran on the street in an attempt to find a place to hide

Suddenly we both saw soenghwa and wooyoung standing in the middle of the street

Lia quickly grabbed my hand as she took me and and we both hid behind a barrel

"Fuck they are here " she said

We saw a crewmate who came running towards them

"They are not at Hyunjin's house they probably got the news" he said

"Let's see till where they can run" soenghwa said

"Go take all the crewmembers and search at all the places on this island " wooyoung said as the crewmate nodded and went running

"Now what shall we do?" Lia wispered to me

"I don't know lemme think that asshole is clever " I said

"We'll get caught at this rate " she said

"Wait lemme atleast think " I said

We both can't go anywhere
All the places were full

"Wait Lia we can hide at ladies spa" i said

She widened her eyes

"Perfect they will never come there " she said

"But how will we even go there they both are standing in the middle " she said

"I don't know that's the thing " I said

"Wait Lia I have a plan " I said

She looked at me suspiciously

"I can run fast and you know this so I'll go and distract them and you'll hide there ok? And I'll join you soon" I said

"No way they are pirates they'll kill you" she said

"No they'll not they need us " I said she slowly Nodded

I took a deep breath







I stood up and ran towards the opposite direction

"SOENGHWA THATS YN!!!!"wooyoung shouted

"Get her !!" Soenghwa yelled

I looked behind me and saw both of them were chasing me

Shit shit

I increased my speed as I ran into the Allies avoiding the windows that can hit me

I looked back to see them struggling inside the alley

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