Chapter 1 & 2

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*Reid's Pov*

I pulled out the calendar that was tucked under several documents on my desk. I looked at today's date, the only date not scratched out in a red X. It was August 6, and I had been here for a month. And to think, when I first broke into the base, along with my cousins, I thought we'd surely be found out and killed. We had assumed three other rouges' identities. Someone was bound to realize that they had never seen us before. We took it day by day, fearing that at any moment, we'd be ratted out. But now, one entire month has passed, and I could finally take a deep breath. Our covers would not be blown.

      Working here for a month reinforced my need to find my mate and liberate these girls from the base. The way they treated the girls at Blood Lust was abominable. Some of them never even saw the light outside of their cells, except from the flashlights the guards shone in their eyes to make sure they weren't dead.

I still didn't know the use for the girls and why they were keeping them. All I know was that every month the rouges would go on a raid and take out packs but keep the girls. Some girls had to be transferred to  other smaller bases since we had a surplus of women.

But I was here for my mate. A month ago, two of my cousins and I went on a road trip. They had this stupid idea in their heads that if they went traveling; they were bound to meet their mates, or at least have fun trying. I was never looking for my mate. My reasons for the trip were entirely my own. It just so happened that we stumbled upon the largest rogue network in North America, and it just so happened that the very scent of my mate and that of my cousin Matt's were coming from within.

From then on, my cousins and I posed as three sub guards. Sub guards were a step below actual guards. We hacked into the computer system and gave ourselves these titles. We figured it was less risky than to assume a higher position.

I couldn't wait to see her for the first time. I had never actually seen her face-to-face, only briefly when she was once escorted back to her cell. But I knew she was my mate because I knew her smell. It was so intoxicating, so enticing. If I closed my eyes, it came back to me. Ever since then, I had been determined to get her out. She didn't deserve this life; none of them had.

The first step was to get my father, Alpha of Blue Moon pack involved. I made sure to mindlink him and brief him on all the things that were going on in here. My father and I had always had a non-existent relationship, but I knew he couldn't resist liberating the girls. It would look good for his reputation. First, he had to call in other packs and get them to risk their lives fighting a serious rogue threat. But the other packs needed proof that they were planning to do something sinister before they could intervene. Now I have two jobs, keeping my mate safe, which I was currently failing at, and gathering info without being caught. "Great, just great, talk about the entire world being placed on one shoulder," I thought to myself.

I stopped in my room and found a letter on my desk. I skimmed through it and almost shouted out of happiness. This was it, my chance. The letter said:

Guard 412:

As of today, you will be promoted and relocated to the West Wing of our base. There you will be in charge of nightly paroles, and watches of the prisoners. Please receive your new badge from commander Steven.

"Yes." I grinned. I hacked into the base's main computer and programmed it so that my promotion was imminent. Being promoted meant I did not have to do raids anymore. It meant I could be closer to the commander, so I was one step closer to finding the info I needed to get my mate out.

My mate, I got to be closer to my mate. That thought alone got my feet moving to the west wing of the base. I bet I must have looked so damn stupid with a big smile plastered on my face.

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