Chapter 23

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Ashley passed me a tissue box as I recounted my whole story to her. She managed to talk me out of my theory that Reid's pack were secretly rouges. Anyone could see that I was a wreck, a physical and emotional wreck. There were bags under my eyes from the recurring attack of insomnia that decided to make an appearance. Not to mention the fact that I had been crying the whole way from California to New York.

I couldn't believe Reid and my father kept such a secret from me.How could my supposed "dad" not tell me I had another family, how could my mate neglect to inform me of that? My real family had no clue I was even alive. First off, how was this even possible? How could I have another family? I needed answers and Reid needed to supply them to me, but right now I couldn't even say his name without voluntarily cringing. The person who held the most information about me was the person who I vehemently despised at this current moment.

"I hate him, no that's a lie, I still love him. How pathetic am I Ash," I sniffled."He lied to me and yet I still want to be with him." I took the tissue box and threw it across the room. It broke; I had forgotten just how strong wolves could be when they were angry.

Ashley looked over at the mess at the side of the room then to me. I could see tears in her eyes. "Why are you crying?" I asked. I rested my hands on my knees.

She swiped at her eyes."I don't like to see you like this, I don't like the look in your eyes. Back when we were captured you used to cry all the time, everytime Steven hit you, and every time you had to be by yourself in that room. I just thought that the worse was over. I didn't think that I would ever see you so upset again, until now, and it breaks my heart to see you like this." She hugged me and I broke out again into more sobs. We both cried but the thing about Ashley was she knew when to stop, whereas I was pretty sure I could go on forever. She patted my shoulder sympathetically.

I can't believe we were sitting here in her room at 2 o clock in the morning. I was preventing her from sleeping, I was preventing myself from sleeping. I pinched myself really hard in order to stop crying. I needed to get myself together.

"Ashley don't cry, I'll be fine." I said managing a tiny smile. Even the words sounded fake in my own ears. My voice was far too high for my liking and my desperation was brought to full display."I just need to stop thinking about him, but it's so hard." I showed her my phone and the missed calls from him."Look he texted me saying he's sorry and that he wants to talk." I stared at his messages and tried to tame all the unexplained emotions that were rising to the surface. I wanted to cry into his shoulders knowing that his strong arms would be there to hold me, but then another part of me wanted him to burn in hell. Ok well, not literally.

She grabbed the phone, texting something to him before handing it to me. I tried to look over her shoulder but she was making it to difficult to. "First step in getting over an ex is deleting him from your life." Her voice radiated confidence.

I snatched my phone back. I read what she wrote him and frowned. It read, "I don't want to be with you, please do not contact me, or you will be blocked." I stared open-mouthed at her. What on Earth was wrong with her, couldn't she see that was not what I wanted."Did you really have to say 'I don't want to be with you?," my face contoreyes started watering again and I puckered my lips tightly. I will not cry, I chanted to myself.

"He doesn't have to know that, if you run back to him now, then what will that say about you? He needs to win you back with a big gesture." I nodded in agreement. I couldn't just sit here and cry myself to sleep. I had to be stronger than that. I sat up and took a deep breath."You ok?"

I nodded my head but unfortunately there's a time to be strong and there's time to be weak, and sadly right now I was the lesser.

I woke up the next morning, I had fallen asleep crying on Ashley's bed. Ashley was laying at the foot of it still knocked out. At first I was confused as to what happened but eventually everything came rushing back to me. Discovering the document, the confrontation, flying all the way to New York, every painful memory came flooding through my brain. I willed myself not to cry but unfortunately I was proving not to be so strong. I already had a pounding headache as it was, and crying would nowhere near alleviate it.

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