Chapter 21

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If there was anywhere I could be right now, working on this project with Christian and Hannah was not one of them. Hannah was currently possessing a 3.98 gpa, and god she was a force to be reckoned with. How she ended up being stuck with Christian and me, the two of the biggest slackers, was a whole other story. Mr. Denz offered her extra points on her final if she would help two of us on the project.

Currently we were in the library working on the project. She was gathering information on the Neolithic Revolution, Christian on the French, and I was making the poster board look all nice and pretty while working with Christian on researching his topic. Hanna assigned the jobs, which I wouldn't have minded if she hadn't been hounding us all day. Apparently the poor girl never heard of the word "break".

Reid mind-linked me several times asking me if I needed a quick getaway but I was determined to power through this difficult time. Plus, I couldn't just leave Christian alone to fend for himself.

We sat there for two hours straight. I was highlighting over a paragraph and tapping my end butt of the highlighter on the table when I wasn't highlighting. After about the tenth tap, Hanna focused her signature glare towards me. "Some people are actually trying to focus here." She snapped.

I apologized and excused myself to the bathroom. I took the time to mind link Reid quickly and update him on what's going on. "She's honestly killing me, I just got yelled at for tapping my highlighter on the table." I groaned out loud even though he couldn't hear it. "I'm hiding right now in the bathroom." Actually I was pacing back and forth praying she wouldn't come in here. My hands were bound tightly to my sides and I walked from the stall to sink several times in restlessness.

"Just think about how nice it'll be when you get a hundred on your project." Reid's soothing voice, crisp and clear came in my head. "Or how terrible it'll be when you fail, because you never left the bathroom." He projected some of his sarcasm in as well.

Classic mate.

I smiled to myself and stopped pacing. He knew just the right thing to say that made me laugh but also still managed to slightly offend me as well. "You're mean," was the only comeback I could offer him. His laughter  caused me to exit the bathroom. Christian was down the hall buying junk food from the vending machine. I snuck up close to him and mimicked Hannah's voice. "What are you doing!"

Christian jumped in shock. He turned around slowly, shaking his head. "I hate you and I hate myself for falling for that." He shook his head again as I was lying sprawled out on the floor laughing. I tried to get up, but I couldn't breathe. He picked me up to my feet and I leaned against the wall still smiling.

"Come on we have to go back." I started walking and he followed behind reluctantly.

She saw us approaching, pushed her glasses to her nose and extended her chin out. I rolled my eyes at her, she always thought she was better than everyone around her just because she had a high average. I sat down next to her but she still said nothing.

Her hair was pinned up in a sleek bun, where not one strand was out of place. I studied the way she worked; she sat with her back straight and wrote quick and neat. She caught my scrutinizing eye and my whole body started to shiver. I turned back to my work and didn't look back up at her for the next hour.

The clock was perched high untop of the wall atleast seventeen feet away, but how was it that it's sharp ticks resonated in my head. Was it really that quiet or was it my restless mind crying for any semblance of a distraction to cling to.

I yawned whilst working, which apparently was some grave offense to her because she glowered angrily at me. Christian chuckled and received the same look which caused me to giggle silently.

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