Chapter 53-Chapter 54

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-Warning long unedited chapter ahead-

*Cara's Pov*

I opened my eyes to find Reid laying next to me the next morning. I wasn't used to waking up before him. I rolled over and watched him as he slept. The side of his face was buried into the pillow.Moments like these were priceless. I loved catching my mate off guard.

His mouth was slightly open and he was snoring softly. I kissed his cheek.

I glanced at the clock beside him.Reid was usually up hours before this. His job had really been taking a toll on him as of lately. Along with Matt, he was training his pack army to fight off a possible rouge attacks that could be coming this way. He'd train them at three, four, and five in the mornings. The bed was always vacant and cold when I woke up. I used to joke with Reid that I would need another wolf to come in and help warm it.

Reid didn't like that joke.

Now it warm and occupied. I considered waking him up but I thought better. He needed the sleep.What could I do for him when he woke up? I figured making breakfast was a start.

I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and headed downstairs to make breakfast for him. I looked around in the fridge to find some eggs. That was the only breakfast meal I knew how to make. Plus Reid wasn't picky and he did love eggs. I was sure he wouldn't mind eggs for breakfast. dinner, and lunch.

I cracked the egg in the pan and turned on the stove. In my head I started to list all the things that I had to do today.

First I needed to stop by my dad's house and say hi. Then I was supposed to take Lisa shopping for her anniversary date with Kevin. I swear they were the cutest couple ever. They have been together for a year and six months as of today. Then finally I was supposed to start on a paper due Monday for my Intro into Econ class on the market economy vs command economy. That would be easy.

I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't hear Reid coming down. He came from behind and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Morning babe. Is this for me?" He still sounded sleepy.

I turned around, still in his embrace."Yup! You slept in late today, I was shocked."

"Maybe I should do it more often then, if it leads to this."He tilted my mouth up and into his. His breath was minty fresh so maybe he didn't just wake up. He grinned and pecked me once more on the lips. He pushed me back slightly into the table.

"You know," he nibbled at my ear. As he spoke his mouth trailed lower."I completely understand your point.It is incredibly frustrating to wake up and not see your mate in the bed with you. I think we should rectify that situation right now." His mouth paused over my mark before he flicked his tongue against it.

I became breathless. "We should?" I managed.

I could feel his hands go up my shirt. "We should."Reid voice went through my ear.Right now I was jello in his arms. He had me right where he wanted me. It was extremely easy to get him aroused and even more to be aroused by him. Especially, after our intense conversation last night, my desire for him knew no bounds and I could feel he was experiencing the same. We both knew there would need to be a follow up to the conversation, and that could only be done under the sheets.

Our little moment was interrupted when Max strolled through the kitchen. Reid stared at him, probably wishing he was anywhere but here. He sighed and shook his head."Great, I forgot you said he could stay here." He mind linked me.

"Be nice." I whispered, jabbing him with my elbow. He was so impatient this morning.

Max stopped when he saw us."Oh no, am I interrupting something?"

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