Chapter 52

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Two weeks passed and there were a few changes that took place. A few minor some major. For staters I started taking birth control. As much as Reid and I wanted children one day, we weren't looking forward to having them too soon, and at the rate we were going, it would have only been a matter of time before I got pregnant. 

Next,  I start taking classes at University I hadn't declared a major yet, but I was leaning towards history.It made sense, it was the only subject I liked back in high school. Ashley was majoring in marketing and Lisa majored in Journalism because "why not."

I didn't mind going to class, even though some were more long than others. I took only morning classes so I could have the afternoons off to hang out with my friends and my mate.

Reid did-or at least "tried" to do- the same when it came to being Alpha. He worked early and then came home around the same time I did. If anything was urgent, then he had his cell phone ready at all times. By 8pm he turned the phone off completely. If anything was so important, they could call the home phone line. Luckily nothing was ever that important yet.

The only time he came home late was when he had to deal with problems from other packs. Then who knew when my mate would be coming home.

Despite my worries, Reid actually liked being alpha.He liked having the power and responsibility that came along with it. The only thing that he hated was that it kept him away from me. Weekends were especially difficult, he worked it out so he could have Saturdays off but that meant a full day at the office on Sunday.

Speaking of my mate, something definitely changed in our relationship and every day it was becoming more and more noticeable. No longer was he afraid to tell me things and no longer was I. We were finally a true team. He told me anything, worries about the pack, work stories and I listened to each, soaking up new information with each word.

There were also no fights. I mean yes of course we would always butt heads on issues for example when I finished the milk in the house and left the empty container in the fridge, or him coming home too late.

We were different, more freer people. Yes Reid still worried tremendously about me, but he didn't let guilt control his life anymore. Plus he was right, being Alpha did make it easier to protect me. He had monitored the rouge situation back at the office and he made sure patrollers were running surveillance at all times.

Aside from that he also managed to gain admiration from pack members. He refurbished the crumbling pack house, started the construction work on another, and built another park for the little pack pups.

He did much more than his dad certainly and people respected him for it. We couldn't walk up to him without people coming up to say hi to us. Unlike his father, people wanted to get to know this new Alpha.

Their acceptance was what made Reid appreciate his job. Seeing how he could affect them in a positive way.

I was happy for him, but I'd be happier if Reid's schedule wasn't so crazy. Sometimes he had to miss out on things because he was busy.

I was trying to figure out how late he'd be working because all of our friends were coming over. It would be the first time in a year  since all of us hung out.

He was avoiding the question."Reid what time are you coming home tonight, everyone is coming over. Did you forget?"

He was coming home later and later each day because of rouge sightings in other packs. It was hard to tell if they were regular rouges or the ones after me. Reid didn't want to take any chances so he stayed in constant communication with the packs trying to draw any similarities between them and Blood Lust.

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