Chapter 40

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*Reid's Pov*

"You need more ice cream." Melissa rummaged through the freezer. She was staying over my house until further notice. Last week she came to me and said she saw strange guys lurking around her house, she was afraid they might have been rouges. I didn't think staying with me would be the best idea but she was too afraid to go back to her house and I couldn't simply leave her on the streets. Plus the pack house was full and until there were any vacancies, she would be here. As soon as a spot cleared up I would transfer her over there.

She couldn't even go back to her house anyway. It was currently swarmed with wolves collecting print and hair samples to see if any matched with other collected samples. Hopefully it would match with someone in the pack and we could tie them to aiding the rouges. Then a trial and prosecution would surely follow and we'd get more information.

It currently felt like I was running myself into a hole. I was keen on organization and structure. Rouges were the paragon of complete and utter disorder. They were a disorganized bunch, but yet they still managed to cause so much trouble.

They were accustomed to spending time in the woods and forest, rarely ever venturing into civilization; therefore they knew the land better. They were able to sneak past border patrols easily but were often caught before they could inflict real damage.Their plans were never perfect, they struggled to gather real information.

What was going on with Cara was the perfect example. They knew I was hiding the Original somewhere , they just didn't know what she looked like or where exactly she was. The people who kidnapped her in the first place who DID know every detail about her, for example Steven, were dead. All her files were taken and kept safely in a safe in the pack office. (I now knew better than to leave things out in the open).Plus the video or pictures of her were destroyed when we destroyed the base they were holding her in. No one, except for Steven even knew her as Cara. They only referred to her as her Original name. It was as if she didn't exist, but she did. They were determined to find her no matter the cost, and they were attacking people because they knew I was responsible for everything.

They wouldn't be so foolish to outright attack me, I was no longer the weak guy I'd been back in December. That guy would be dead right now. He almost did die, but I was strong now and willing to take on anything that came in a 5 mile radius of those I loved. They knew that and knew they couldn't afford to lose anymore rouges so they backed off for now. But if they even caught slight wind of the fact that my mate was an Original. They wouldn't kill her, they would capture her instantly and would wage a war against us to do so.

That's why I was trying to stay away, trying so damn hard but sometimes I couldn't. For example going to Max's party, I knew I shouldn't have gone. I knew that if she saw I was going that she would go and I just wanted to be around her. Unfortunately Melissa took up most of my time with the news about the alleged rouges she saw.

I was lying to myself when I claimed to have blocked her out of my heart. I thought I did, it felt like I did. The pull to her felt  weakened but then at the party it came back in full force, a subtle reminder that getting over one's mate is never so easy. Mates shouldn't have to do this, in a perfect world they wouldn't. Unfortunately this world would always be far from perfect.

I messed up the signature on one document and went to retrieve some whiteout. Melissa was still in the kitchen; she looked very bored. I wasn't making any attempt to entertain her like she wanted. I was ignoring her by diverting all my energy towards my pack work. I never minded all the pack work. At first it used to bother me because it took me away from my mate, but now pack work was a welcomed distraction from all things pertaining to her.

Fed up with my silence, Melissa snatched the papers from my hand. I growled until she relinquished them in my care. I rolled my eyes and continued on with my work.

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