Chapter 22

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I slightly felt guilty, but if there was a file on me then I deserved to know. I felt Reid jab me back to present day.

"What?" I said. My eyelashes fluttered rapidly.

"We're home. You didn't say a single thing the whole way, what's up?" I looked up at the house in shock. I couldn't believe we were here so fast.I decided to give him a chance to explain himself because I wasn't looking for a fight and I didn't want him to know that I was snooping around his documents.

"Are you keeping anything from me? Like if you found out anything about me, you'd tell me right?" Desperation was in my voice. I needed him to placate all my fears. I needed his reassuring kisses and soft gentle touch.

"Where is all this coming from Cara?" He frowned. It was clear that the question set him on edge. I did not need a suspicious Reid on my case. "Are we back to you not trusting me again?"

"I'm sorry,  I know you'd never keep things from me." I kissed his cheek softly and went upstairs. His footsteps followed and I laid down on his bed. "I think I'm just going to sleep, I'm pretty tired." I said closing my eyes and turning my back to him, hoping he would join me and eventually fall asleep.

"I'll just go back to the office and just finish up then." He mumbled, still a tad peevish.

"No!" I shot up from the bed quickly. He couldn't go back yet."Can we watch a movie together instead, I really wanted to spend some time with you."

"Ok I'll turn on the tv then. Are you sure everything is okay?" He asked. I nodded my head, trying my best to appear convincing.  Reid sighed and went downstairs to go play a movie. I chastised myself for being so jumpy, I was not playing it cool. I walked down slowly and sat down next to him.

"What movie are we seeing" I looked ahead watching the blue screen. He stared at me for the longest time then answered.

"What do you want, scary, mystery, romantic  comedy, thriller?" He asked while he flipped through Netflix.

I shook my head." Can we watch twilight instead? I'm too tired to start something new." I knew he couldn't keep his eyes open during twilight, he always fell asleep around the time Bella meets the family.

He wrapped his arm around me. "If you want. Although I'm afraid you'll be watching most of it alone." He yawned. Just mentioning the word twilight made him tired.

Reid outdid himself and managed to fall asleep within the first 30 minutes of the movie. I smiled, I knew him so well. I eased his arm off of mine, and silently got up.

I grabbed my shoes and Christian's jacket and tiptoed outside. I closed the door making sure not to make much sound. Reid would definitely wake up soon, I didn't know how much time I would have. I don't even know why I was doing this, I wasn't good at sneaking around, and the fact that I couldn't trust Reid was pretty bad on my part.

But I saw it for myself, he had documents about me, something that could tell me more about my life and perhaps why I had been taken. I needed to see it for myself. I half-walked half-ran to the office. I put my hand over my heart in hopes to calm it before I came in, last thing I needed to do was act all jumpy and ruin things for myself. Part of me still wanted to go back, continue to live in ignorance ; it would be easier, but another part of me, the bigger part was walking  through the doors, determined to find out what was in that file on me.

The receptionist looked up at me inquisitively. She saw me leave earlier with Reid and was probably wondering why I was coming back.

"I left my house keys, I'll just be a minute.You can call and Mr. Melovitch, and see for yourself." I looked back as I walked to the elevator to see that she was dialing the number. Oh god why did I tell her to call him, I was so close.

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