27| The Mark of Death

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Alexandria couldn't remember the last time she felt carefree. Without the stresses of school or Malivore, she was able to take a breath. She didn't realise how much she needed this time until now. Just enjoying her days, spending time with her family and hanging out with her brother. Exploring the town almost every day now that Lukas was also on spring break.

With the sun setting and the full moon approaching, Alexandria found herself trekking through the depths of the woods with her aunt and the Durham Pack. Alexandria was anxious, to say the least. She wasn't sure what to expect but Eleanor squeezed her shoulder lightly in comfort and reassurance.

As Eleanor went to talk to Marcus and Isabel, a figure walked up next to her. Alexandria looked to her side and tilted her head up to see a boy around her age. He had long black hair that fell to his shoulders and soft features.

He gave the girl a bright smile before introducing himself, "Hey, my name's Arnie. Your brother has told me a lot about you."

She looked at him strangely before reluctantly introducing herself as well, "Uh– I'm Alex..."

The boy chuckled seeing the nervousness on the girl. "Sorry, if this is weird... You looked a little lost and I just wanted to introduce myself."

"No, you're okay. I'm just..." her voice trailed off as her eyes darted to the pack members around her.

Arnie hummed in acknowledgement. "It's perfectly normal to be scared. Especially since this is gonna be your first time doing this," he reassured the girl and her gaze went back to the boy. "But, don't worry. We do this all the time. It's perfectly safe," he smiled as he gently nudged the girl as they walked together.

It took some time, but Alexandria soon warmed up to the boy. He was quite a charismatic young individual, that often spent his time with his other siblings. Arnie had also attended the same school as Lukas, which was where the two boys initially met. Arnie's parents wanted him and his siblings to be able to have a proper education. But while they weren't busy at school, they were at home with the rest of the family.

"So, how long have you been doing this?" Alexandria asked the boy as they continued to walk side by side.

Arnie looked to the side as he thought. "Uh... just about three years actually."

"Oh, wow. That's quite a while," Alexandria acknowledged.

"Mhm. Lukas told me that you go to a supernatural school?" Arnie pried as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Alexandria nodded. "Yeah, in Virginia. The whole deal, vampires, werewolves and witches," she said as her eyes began to wander to her surroundings. 

"That's so cool. I would love to go to a supernatural school. It would be like attending Hogwarts, except there would be more than just witches and wizards attending," Arnie spoke with genuine awe and a wide smile.

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