8| Bleed and Submit

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Alexandria was walking through the halls of the school to make her way back to her room. After another day through the supernatural education system, she was starting to adjust to the new environment and had begun to make new friends. Josie and Lizzie had grown oddly on the girl and she was introduced to MG and Kaleb who Alexandria had learned were vampires. It was still going to take some time to get used to for her, but MG and Kaleb were very sweet and charming to the girl when they first met.

"Alexandria Sinclair!" Jed called out to Alexandria before she could make another turn in the hallway.

Alexandria turned around to face Jed and another two students from his pack that she had seen briefly during her very short time at the school. Jed had a hint of a sadistic smirk on his face when he addressed Alexandria and she could just tell by the stance they held, that it wasn't going to end well for her. 

Alexandria looks around to see if there was a way she could sneak out of the predicament she had landed herself into. "Um hi?" Alexandria responds, voiding herself of any emotion that may indicate the fear that was creeping in. 

"New kid, we don't want any trouble. We just want to initiate you into the pack," he says and his sadistic smile comes through.

"No offense, man. But I don't want to be a part of the pack. I prefer the way things are with me now. Alone," Alexandria tries to politely decline a position in his pack.

Jed's smile fades away and his lips form into a fine line, now showing off his more unpleasant side. Alexandria takes the hint and attempts to make a break for it, but before she could even take one full step Jed stops her by placing his on her shoulder and squeezing tightly. Hard enough to make Alexandria wince a little. 

"There's no way out of this. Either you submit now, or we make you suffer a little, and then you can submit," Jed growled at her and flashed his golden-yellow eyes, his anger becoming more prominent in his features. The Sinclair werewolf stands there stunned. Still trying to figure out a way to get out of the situation. The other two students were standing close behind Jed, ready to pounce if she made one wrong move. The only opening Alexandria had was behind her, there were no other doors or hallways she could take to get away from the bunch standing in front of her.

Alexandria did not want to be a part of a pack. While she had met some other werewolves who were fairly nice to her, she just didn't want to have the responsibilities of being a part of a pack. She knew all too well that she was probably going to regret her upcoming decision, but having heard the stories of Jed, she didn't think talking civilly was going to work with him.

Alexandria swatted Jed's hand off her shoulder and broke out into a sprint in the opposite direction to which she was once facing. 

Jed growled. "Get her!"

Alexandria ran further into the halls and did her best to outrun the three werewolves running after her. This continued for a while as it was just found out that Alexandria was pretty fast, managing to keep out of reach of the students behind her. But it was short-lived as another student from Jed's pack was already waiting as soon as she made a turn. Alexandria stopped in her tracks and turned around to see if there was another way out, but Jed and the other two students had already caught up to her. The now four successfully cornering Alexandria in a hallway that was barely used by the school. Alexandria kept looking around to see if there were any openings, scanning each student for a weak link that she could easily get past. Alexandria was out of breath and she was out of options.

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