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"911 what's your emergency?"

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"911 what's your emergency?"

"I- My father's dead. It was an accident, I swear. I was just trying to protect my brother. I didn't mean to kill him, I just didn't want him to hurt my brother. I don't know what to do. Please help me," a blonde girl cried as she tried to convey the message over to the woman on the phone.

Sitting on her porch steps the girl brought her brother's head to her chest, covering his ears as if to desperately protect him for having to listen to the dreaded call she had to make. The cold midnight breeze brushed against her skin. The only thing providing her warmth was the leggings and loose flannel she was wearing over some random band t-shirt that she had found in her room.The quiet street is dimly lit by a couple of street lights. It was oddly peaceful when you forget the fact that a dead man is lying in a pool of his blood just a few feet from where you are sitting.

"Alright ma'am, everything is going to be okay. If you will just give me your address and I'll send someone over to help you," the woman on the phone said in a calming voice.

She can faintly remember hearing the sirens wailing in the distance, colours and red and blue slowly coming into sight and pulling up in front of her house. But her attention was focused on her brother. His soft cries coming to a halt as he fell asleep in the girl's arms. Bringing him impossibly closer to her, she gently rubbed his arm up and down to provide him as much heat as she could.

She couldn't help but think back to the events that had just occurred. The image of her dead father forever being burned into her mind. Her thoughts were interrupted by a police officer standing in front of her.

Making known his presence, the girl's gaze drifted ever so slowly up to man, clearly showing just how exhausted and drained she was.

The officer crouched down at the bottom of the steps to meet her level. Giving a small pitiful smile he finally spoke up. "Hey there, I'm Officer Williams. You made a call saying that your father's dead," he said with a soft tone, trying to come off as friendly as possible to not startle the poor girl. "Do you want to tell me your name and we can go from there?" he continued.

The girl stared at him, feeling as if she might faint on the spot from how defeated she felt. Managing to find her voice, she responded to the man, "Alexandria Sinclair. You can just call me Alex." Her voice was weak, sounding hoarse.

"Alright, Alex. Can you tell me what happened here?"

She hesitated. Not wanting to relive the horrid events from before. With a few more seconds of contemplation, she started to recount what had happened just an hour ago.

"My father. He was drinking and came home late as usual. He does this most days. But tonight he was... so angry, I didn't know why he just was. He tried to hurt my brother, even screamed at him claiming that he was going to kill him. But I didn't let him do anything. He ended up trying to choke me to death, but I hit him across the head with a decor piece that was next to me and I pushed him off me. He tripped over on the chair behind him, fell over and hit his head on the fireplace behind him," the tears had already begun streaming down her face. She tried to make her story as short and brief as possible in a desperate attempt to not think about the fact that she had just killed her father.

She muffled her cries to not wake her sleeping brother that was in her arms. The Officer in front of her looked at her with sorrow, understanding that she didn't want to be questioned further he moved on.

"Thank you for cooperating. I know that must of been hard. I'm going to get someone to drive you and your brother to the station. Is that alright?" He asked.

She nodded softly, not wanting to spend another second in that place.

"Alright. Is he inside?"

Nodding again, her gaze fell to the floor, not having enough energy to look up anymore. Before leaving he spoke up once more, "What you did was very brave, I know this is very hard for you right now but what you did was an act of self-defense," he trailed off, trying to find the right words to say to the girl, but he left the conversation there, having a feeling words of sympathy was not going to help her at this moment.

Standing up from his crouched position, he made his way to a few other workers, filling them in on the situation and giving them the all-clear to make their way inside the house.

Another officer made his way towards the two teens, briefly telling them that he was going to take them to the station to make an official statement and ask a few more questions about the death of their father.

Alex stood up, carrying her sleeping brother in her arms and following the officer to their car. Carefully placing her brother in the back seat of the car, she then made her way to the other side and got in herself.

The drive was silent, allowing Alex to process everything that had happened. She did not know what was going to become of her and her brother. It was safe to say that she was scared out of her mind.

But what Alex did not know, is that in taking a human life she had just triggered her curse. The curse would force her to break every single bone in her body on every single full moon.

My Curse • Hope MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now