1| I'll Be Okay. Eventually

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"Is there someone you can call? A family member or something?" the police officer asked the two teens who were anxiously sitting in the many seats of the station lobby

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"Is there someone you can call? A family member or something?" the police officer asked the two teens who were anxiously sitting in the many seats of the station lobby.

The Sinclair's had just arrived at the station, tired and exhausted. Luckily, the younger boy had woken up from his nap which saved Alexandria from the trouble of having to carry the boy inside.

The oldest Sinclair let out a shaky breath. "Uh, yeah. Yeah, I have an aunt that I can call," she stammered. It was about 1 in the morning so both were very worn out. Lukas had not uttered a word since he had woken up, which worried Alexandria. But she could not blame him. He was only fourteen and had to witness his father's death. There were no right words to say in such a situation.

The police officer nodded. "Ok good, it would be wise of you to give her a call and fill her in. Plus you two are still minors, I can't exactly just leave you alone," he spoke without faltering and walked away, leaving the two alone with their thoughts.

Before Alexandria took out her phone from her pocket, she turned towards her brother who was sitting quietly with his head hung low and hands neatly placed in his lap.

"Hey. Buddy, talk to me," Alexandria pleaded. He had been silent this entire time and it was driving the girl crazy not knowing what was going through his little brother's head.

Still not saying anything. He quickly jumped into her arms, completely throwing her off guard. He buried his head in his older sisters chest and wrapped his arms around her waist and squeezed tightly. Alexandria was shocked at the sudden burst of effect, but she didn't question it. Wrapping one arm around his small body, with the other on his head. The boy started to cry softly and Alexandria begged to not let her own tears fall. Telling herself that she had to be strong for the both of them.

"It's going to be ok buddy. We're going to get through this," she continued to whisper reassuring words to help calm him down. But at this point, she didn't know who she was trying to convince. Herself or her brother.

Moments had gone by and Lukas had finally stopped crying. Bringing his head out of her chest, she looked up towards his sister. "What are we going to do? I'm scared, Al," he murmured, using the nickname he gave his sister years ago.

"I'm not too sure, Lu. But I'm going to call our aunt, and we can go from there," Alexandria responded. Bring her hand to his cheek, softly caressing it.

Alexandria brought her hand down from his face and took her phone out from her back pocket, still having one arm wrapped around her brother. The light illuminating her face once she opened the device. Carefully navigating her way through her phone with one hand, she opened her contacts. Scrolling down the short list and seeing the contact labeled 'Aunt Eleanor'. She was hesitant to dial the number with not having talked to her Aunt in several years, but she had no other options. She called the number listed and brought the phone up to her ear and hearing the soft dial tone as she waited for an answer.

Alexandria doubted that she would pick up the phone, seeing as it was 1 in the morning. But was surprised to hear her voice on the other line. The girl instantly became nervous. She and her brother didn't have the best relationship with their aunt and had only spoken to her a couple of times.

"Alexandria? Care to explain why you are calling me at 1:39 in the morning?" She complained, rather irritated that her niece had interrupted her beauty sleep.

Not having prepared how she was going to tell her aunt the bad news, she decided to not beat around the bush and get straight to the point. Alexandria took a deep breath to prepare herself. "My father, he's dead," she spoke and wasn't met with an answer. "It was an accident. I was trying to protect Lukas but I didn't mean to hurt him. It was all an act of self-defense, but he's gone," her voice came out as weak and strained as she had to recount the horrid event.

No matter how many times Alexandria tried to justify her actions as 'self-defense', it didn't take away the fact that the girl had taken a human life. As much as she disliked him as a father, he was still a person. A human being.

"What?" Any hint of irritation and anger had completely washed away from her voice. Leaving behind only concern. She continued, "He's dead?"

"Yeah... He's dead. Pushed him and he ended up falling and hitting his head on the fireplace," Alexandria confirmed and she was met with silence from her aunt's end of the call.

Eleanor sighed, trying to think of her best course of action. "Okay um. I won't be able to come to get you right away, I'm kind of held up at the moment," she said in a bit of a panic. "But I'm going to call up an old friend of mine to come to get you. He's going to help you the best that he can until I can come down there. He should be able to get there in about an hour. Is that okay?"

Just 24 hours ago, the lives of the Sinclair's were somewhat normal. If you took the alcoholic father out of the equation, life was pretty good for the siblings.

"Yeah... that's okay. How long till you're able to come down here?" the oldest girl asked trying to hold back her tears. Her arm was still her brother and she ran her hand up and down his arm as a sign of comfort. The mere presence of her brother was all that was holding back the river of tears that were seconds from unleashing themselves.

"I should be able to get there in a few days. Look my friend owns a boarding school so you and Lukas can hang tight there. He's going to explain everything. I'll make sure to drop by your house and pack up you and Lukas' things," she tried to reassure her niece as much as possible, but it wasn't really working. "Are you okay hun?"

The Sinclair became skeptical when her aunt had said 'explain'. She furrowed her brows at the thought but decided not to dwell too much on it.

"I'll be okay. Eventually," her voice got significantly quieter. "Hey, Aunt Eleanor?" she began.

"What's up?" she responded. Shuffling noises were in the background in Eleanor's side of the call. With the death of her brother-in-law, she didn't want to waste any time and had already begun to pack her things.

"What's your old friends' name? So I know when he comes," she asked her aunt and could hear peaceful snores coming beside me.

Alexandria looked beside her to see that her little brother had fallen asleep once again. She placed a small kiss on his head and waited for her aunt's answer.

"His name is Alaric Saltzman."

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