4| Vampires, Werewolves, and Witches

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Warm yellow rays wafted through the window, waking Alexandria up from her dreamless sleep. Alexandria looked out the window and saw the cloudless blue sky and the golden sun radiating down on the empty room. The warmth of the sun against her skin made her never want to get out of bed. 

All she wanted to do was lay in bed and forget everything as she watched time pass by.

It was a miracle that Alexandria was able to get any sleep. Granted it wasn't much, but it was something. During the night Lukas had a nightmare about their. He woke up in a sweat and broke down right there. Crying put for his sister and he clung to her shirt. Luckily for both of them, it was the only nightmare he had.

Lukas was still sound asleep so Alexandria slowly got out of bed to make sure that she didn't wake him up. Trying to make the least amount of movement and moved out of his arms. She stood my straight beside the bed and took a second to look out the window to see the sun was still rising. It was sudden and out of nowhere. But anger started to unload on her. She felt angry with herself. Towards her father. It was like God was laughing at her, mocking her. That's what it felt like to her. It was a burning anger that bubbled in her stomach and spread throughout her body. She clenched her fist and dug her nails into her palms. She was at her breaking point. All she wanted to do was scream. Scream as loud as possible and break everything she laid her eyes on. 

And she was about to until she saw Lukas shift in the corner of her eyes. Her mind became clear as she thought of her brother. She didn't want to scare Lukas, she had to be the big sister that he could look up to. And her lashing out would only scare the poor boy. She ran her hand through her hair and took a few deep breathes to desperately try to calm herself before her anger got any worse. Bottling up her emotions and sending them into a dark place in the back of her mind where they could be forgotten. Now somewhat calm, it was still fairly early in the morning but she decided to go talk to Alaric now. Realizing she didn't have any other clothes, she settled for the outfit she wore yesterday and did her best to freshen up and not look like a total train wreck. 

Walking towards the door she opened it but was stopped when she heard a shuffling noise behind her. She turned around to see Lukas sitting up in bed rubbing his eyes. "Wait for me. I wanna come," his voice scratchy from just waking up.

~ * ~

The two stood in front of the office doors. The dark brown double doors towering over them. Alexandria brought her hand up to the door but hesitated to knock. She sighed and brought her fist to the door and knocking three times.

A muffled voice from inside said 'come in', and Alexandria turned the knob to push the door open hearing a small creak. As the doors open, the two are able to take a look at Alaric's office. To their right, Alaric was sitting at his desk focused on the several papers scattered across his desk. Light shining on him from the large window behind him and lighting up the rest of the office. Shelves filled to the brim with an assortment of books, while the office was decorated with a collection of artifacts.

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