37| Side Quests

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"Hope Marshall to the principal's office," Alaric announced over the P.A. system and Hope arrived soon after, irritated and confused.

"P.A. system? It's a little dramatic, don't you think?" Hope questioned as she waltzed into Alaric's office, taking a seat across from his desk.

Alaric gave her a look. "Not as dramatic as the message Landon left me, saying he had something urgent to discuss," he countered as he slowly descended to his seat, his expression humourless. "Anything you wanna share?"

Remembering the eventful day she had the day prior dealing with a Shunka, Hope tensed up. "Only that I'm pretty sure the monsters are after him this time," she confessed.

"And you didn't think that that's something I should know?" Alaric interrogated as he leaned forward slightly.

"More like I was afraid of what you were gonna say after that," Hope commented quietly.

Alaric shook his head. "Hope," he sighed before making direct eye contact with the girl. "You need to go back to the Salvatore School."

Hope forced a smile as she heard his words. "That was it."

"Not for your sake. For theirs," Alaric justified, trying to strain importance on the matter but Hope was persistent with her decision to stay away. "Maybe Landon isn't that important to you, but if Malivore wants him we need to want him more."

"Look, I will take care of it, but from a distance," Hope negotiated with him but Alaric struggled to understand her reluctance on the matter.

"Okay, what am I missing here, Hope? Hm?" he interrogated. "You told me the truth, and everything worked out fine," Alaric mentioned, trying to convince the girl but she was persistent.

"It doesn't change the fact that you have no memory of me. Everyone at the Salvatore School has been great. Lizzie seems to be doing well, Josie's expanded her friend circle. Everything was going great since I jumped into that pit," Hope listed off. Her heart lurched as she knew that she was no longer part of that. "But now that I'm back, monsters are coming after Landon, and we're back at square one. I just... I just don't think I'm willing to go through that all over again," she admitted as her gaze fell to her lap for a moment. She took a quick, deep breath before she raised her head. "Plus, the sooner I deal with Malivore, the sooner I can get back to doing what I was doing in the first place. Finding Alex," Hope said and her jaw clenched. She felt antsy as she spent more time in Mystic Falls than she wanted to.

Alaric dragged out a sigh as he took in Hope's words. His eyes unwillingly drifted to one of his desk drawers next to him. The man knew that it held a red box which contained his deepest shame. At the mention of the hybrid, the thought of using the very item sitting next to him crossed his mind again.

All he had to do was convince Emma, a witch who was capable of using the powerful magical object, a vial of Bennett blood and a celestial event. His loved ones would be safe and his problem would simply vanish in thin air.

My Curse • Hope MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now