3| Welcome to the Salvatore Boarding School

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Alexandria had woken after her short nap and watched the scenery out the window. Lukas's soft snores being the only thing filling the silence. They were comforting for Alexandria to hear, knowing that he was able to sleep with no trouble

It was still rather early in the morning. Alexandria looked outside to see the dimly lit streets, the trees, nature, the houses. It was peaceful for the older Sinclair to watch as they all went by. She looked up to see the stars, Little white dots scattered everywhere illuminating the night sky. Ever since she was little, Alexandria had always loved the night time. The peacefulness and tranquility that came with it made it so appealing to the girl. The cold breeze would brush against her skin as she listened to nothing particular. It would give her many hours of comfort and relaxation. She would sit at home at her window, head tilted towards the sky, and she observed the stars and constellations. It always helped her when she was restless.

For the longest time, she had always wondered what the sky would look like in the countryside. Living in an area filled with light pollution from cars and their headlights, businesses lit with their fluorescent signs, and roads filled with streetlights made it hard for the girl to observe the sky in all its beauty. She wanted to see the sky littered with twinkling lights and shooting stars. The true beauty was always masked by artificial lights. For just one night, all she wanted to do is see the night sky in all its glory.

The black SUV pulled up to the Salvatore School gates. After an hour of driving, the three had finally arrived at their destination. Alexandria shook her brother awake to tell him that they had arrived. With how tired Alexandria had felt, she wouldn't be physically able to carry the boy anymore.

Slowly the boy wakes up, making a little whining noise as he tried to rub the tiredness from his eyes. Alexandria felt anxious all of a sudden but pushed the feeling deep down. "We're here," she whispered to him

The car drove along the driveway and stopped at the front doors. Alaric stopped the car and the three got out and walked towards the front doors. Alexandria's heart dropped seeing the school close up. Her heartbeat picked up and started to pound a little harder in her chest.

Alaric opens the door for the Sinclair's and says, "Welcome to the Salvatore Boarding School for the Young and Gifted."

Both teens were unsure how to react, but they gave him a polite smile in return. They walked in and the two felt nervous being in a completely new environment, Lukas took his sister's hand and stood closer to her for comfort. Alaric followed softly closing the front doors and indicated for Alexandria and Lukas to follow him.

"You guys hungry or anything?" Alaric asked as he was walking down several hallways. Alexandria was busy inspecting the halls of the schools. Looking at the architecture and infrastructure, she could tell the school had a history. "Lukas, you want something to eat?" she turned to the small figure that was still clinging to her arm.

He softly shook his head as an indication of a no and Alexandria's gaze shifted towards Alaric. "No, we're good. I think we both just need some sleep."

After what felt like an eternity of walking for the Sinclair's, he stopped at a door. "This is your room, there are some clothes there you can use to sleep in and if you need me, I'm just downstairs," he said quietly so he didn't wake any of the other students in the school. Alexandria nodded. "Thank you, by the way. For taking us both in and helping us," she thanked the man.

"Don't mention it. Both of you have had a tiring day. And um, I'm terribly sorry for your loss," Alaric said sadly as he opened the door. Lukas wasted no time running in and jumping for the bed.

She didn't feel the need to respond verbally so she settled for a small sad smile as a sign of her gratitude. At the mention of her father, a familiar sadness washed over the girl as tears welled up in her eyes. She furiously wiped them before Lukas could notice.

"Tomorrow, I need to talk to you with your aunt. Just about what's going to happen from here. Don't worry about waking up early, I know you must be exhausted. So when you feel like you're up to it, just come to my office," he explained, placing his hands in his pockets and played with his car keys.

She hummed in agreement and decided to leave their conversation there and started to walk inside. Before shutting the door behind her, she looked back at him. "Thank you again. I don't think I can express how grateful I am for all that you've done for me and my brother."

Giving me a small smile, he walked away. Finally shutting the door, Alexandria turned around leaned on the door. Closing her eyes, she took a few deep breaths to try and calm her racing mind.

She stayed at the door for a few moments as she tried to process what had just happened to her and her brother. As she thought back to it, tears welled up in her eyes once again and she struggled to keep them back. Clutching her shirt she did everything in her power to stop them.

After she was sure they had passed, she opened her eyes to take a few seconds to look at her surroundings. It had the same theme as the rest of the school. It was a fairly empty room with not much decoration. The room was lit up by the two lamps that were placed by the two beds. There were neatly folded pajamas with the Salvatore emblem printed on ready for the both of us. Lukas had already taken his pair and went to change.

What caught the girl's eye was the window seat to the left of her. There were a few cushions nicely placed around to decorate the seat. It was similar to the one Alexandria had back at her home. 

The moonlight poured through the window and illuminated the room. She walked over and sat down at the window, leaning her head on the window and looking up at the night sky. She felt at peace at the familiar feeling and closed her eyes once more to bask in the moonlight.

A few feet away, Lukas stood there fidgeting with his clothes as he contemplated whether or not to disturb his sister. But eventually decided to. He slowly walked up to her, to not startle Alexandria, and lightly tapped on her shoulder. Feeling the tap, Alexandria opened her eyes and was met with her brother neatly dressed in the Salvatore pajamas while his head hung low. Lukas looked up from the floor and met his sister's gaze. "Can you sleep with me? I don't wanna be alone tonight," his voice came out as meek and timid. He was afraid of being alone, afraid he was going to wake up the next morning to find his sister was nowhere to be found.

"Sure, Lukas. Just let me get changed," she said softly and got up from her position. Ruffling his hair a bit, she walked to the bed and grabbed the clothes that were prepared for her. After she changed, she placed my other clothes on the bed that wasn't used. Looking over to her brother she could see that he was nervously sitting on the edge of the bed. Nightmares sometimes plagued the boy's mind while he slept.

Alexandria stood in front of him and grinned a little. "Come on, scoot over."

Lukas moved from his spot and got under the sheets while his sister did the same. The Sinclair siblings cuddled with Lukas' head nuzzled into Alexandria's neck. She held him close, fearing that is she didn't hold tight enough that she might suddenly lose him. She stared at the ceiling and her mind started to race again. But she hummed a little melody to lull her brother to sleep and ran her hand up and down his back. Lukas slowly fell asleep at his breathing became slow and fell into a rhythmic pattern. With the boy fast asleep Alexandria stopped humming and did her best to fall asleep too. But she knew too well that she wouldn't be getting much sleep.

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