49| Tell Tales From the Devil on Your Shoulder

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The next morning, Hope found herself waking with the sun as it poured through the gaps in the blinds. She felt the warmth grace her skin and the weight of someone's arm around her waist.

Hope slowly peeled her eyes open to be met with Alexandria still sleeping soundly. Her brown hair sprawled across her pillow, her lips slightly parted. Within the Sinclair's room, there was a sense of quiet and calm. While unusual, it certainly wasn't unwelcome.

A soft smile grew on Hope's face as she remembered the previous night. The two girls decided to binge watch several movies, talking about random topics and sharing kisses. It had gotten so late and it didn't take much convincing for Hope to stay the night in Alexandria's room.

The Mikaelson girl wished she could stay in the moment forever, just laying in bed with her girlfriend, but she sighed as she remembered that it was Coven Day. The entire witch faction would be doing different events throughout the day to celebrate the individual covens in the school's community.

She didn't have the heart to wake Alexandria so she carefully slipped out of bed. As she stood up, she froze as Alexandria shifted, but she only turned over and brought up the blanket till it was under her neck.

When she was sure that Alexandria didn't stir anymore, Hope looked around and spotted her uniform neatly folded on the Sinclair's chair. Alexandria had given her some clothes to wear for the night so now Hope was wearing a pair of Alexandria's sweatpants and was engulfed by one of her oversized shirts.

Hope didn't want to linger long and accidentally wake Alexandria, so she quietly moved over to her desk and found a slip of paper. She found a random pen lying on her desk and wrote a small note, thanking Alexandria for letting her stay the night and an apology as she had to leave for Coven Day. The small note was written in her eloquent handwriting, signed with her name at the bottom and a small love heart at the end.

She left the note on Alexandria's bedside table but just before she left, Hope leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on top of Alexandria's forehead.

~ * ~

A few hours later Alexandria was up and about with her own day. Unfortunately for her, she still had classes to attend so her morning was filled with nothing but listening to her teachers drone on about her subjects.

When lunch had rolled around, Alexandria went to find Hope as she spotted a few other witches lingering in the halls. But as she reached the school's common room, she instead found Hope's roommate.

Alyssa held her head high and seemed to wear a permanent scowl on her face as she spoke to her friends. Alexandria had the idea to ask her if she had seen Hope around and started to walk over.

Alyssa soon excused herself from the conversation and turned on her heel to be met with Alexandria walking towards her.

The witch immediately stopped in her tracks and placed a hand over her chest as if she was surprised. "Oh, it's just you. I thought you were another Malivore monster for a second," Alyssa sighed, although her face still contorted to one of disgust. She brushed off invisible dirt off her fancy white blazer and bright pink top as she looked the hybrid up and down.

My Curse • Hope MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now