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Alexandria felt beyond uncomfortable as she sat across from Alaric's desk. With his old position back, the first item on his agenda was to decide the hybrid's position at the Salvatore School. His rules were pretty straightforward, but the factor of Alexandria's humanity greyed the lines of his rules.

Alexandria fiddled with her hands and her leg bounced up and down as she waited silently for Alaric and Dorian to arrive.

After some excruciating time later, the doors of the Headmaster's office finally opened and Alaric and Dorian entered. The Sinclair's eyes watched them both carefully, assessing their every move to try and distinguish what they were feeling. Any sort of hint to prepare herself for the conversation she was about to have with them. Alaric was stoic as ever, which didn't surprise the girl at all. But Dorian on the other hand, seemed nervous with tense shoulders and his hands close to his sides.

Alaric took a seat at his desk while Dorian stood to the side of the wooden surface. Alexandria was unable to look at the Headmaster without thinking back to the Lockwood Cellar. The echoing clash of chains rang in her head as a reminder and her hand went around her wrist subconsciously. She had to run a hand up and down just to be sure there wasn't a shackle clasped around.

As soon as she realised what she was doing, she quickly brought herself back to reality as she separated her hands.

"Alexandria. Thank you for waiting. I called you here because we need to have an overdue conversation about your position here at the Salvatore School," Alaric began. "Is there anything you would like to say?" Alaric offered as he leaned back in his seat.

Alexandria briefly looked up at Alaric before her eyes fell back down to her lap. She swallowed down the lump in her throat as she began to rub the palms of her hands. Moments of silence passed, leaving Alaric and Dorian to glance at each other. But neither commented on it.

The hybrid imagined the moment before and had thought in advance of what she wanted to say. It had kept her up at night. So many nights that she couldn't even remember the last time she had a proper rest.

When Alexandria worked up the courage to speak, she raised her head to the two men. "I know... I know what I did was wrong, in so many ways. I can't justify my actions because, in truth, they came from a place of anger and hatred. I was in over my head and all I can say is that... I'm sorry... and I hope that you would consider letting me stay here because I have nowhere else to go," Alexandria voiced quietly and felt vulnerable in her spot as they both analysed her every move. "But, I understand if you would think it best if I was to be expelled," she added as she looked at Dorian directly. Frankly, Alexandria could not care less about Alaric's opinion, although she knew that it wouldn't matter as he sat in the Headmaster's chair.

Dorian nodded slowly as he genuinely listened to Alexandria's words while Alaric took in a deep breath. "You ran away before summer break without telling anyone. Went to New York, and proceeded to leave a trail of bodies after you turned off your humanity," Alaric listed off with a blank expression.

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