36| There's No Place Like Home

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Caroline had to cut her summer vacation with Lizzie short. She had received a concerning call from Dorian and Alaric about a certain missing student. Dorian had done some digging and found that Alexandria was indeed not in her old hometown like she said she was. After hearing this, Caroline had begun some digging of her own to find the hybrid's whereabouts.

Lizzie was understanding, being one of her friends and wanting to turn over a new leaf, she went back to the Salvatore School early and spent the last of her summer break with her sister and her father.

Locator spells came up with nothing so with the information that Alaric and Dorian had gotten from the hybrid's belongings, Caroline figured out that she had left for New York with the belief that someone named Travis Bartlett was also there. It took her the better part of two days until she managed to find a lead.

The vampire had found someone by the name of Darcy Vane living around Manhattan in the neighbourhood of Soho. Surrounded by tall buildings of cast-iron architecture, Caroline found herself knocking on the door of the apartment she was led to believe belonged to Darcy.

As the door opened, a young woman peered from the side with uncertainty. "Uh– hi?" the young woman greeted, seeing the unfamiliar woman outside her door.

Caroline smiled. "Hi. Are you Darcy Vane?"

"Yeah..." she answered with uncertainty as she looked around behind the woman to see if she was alone, to which she was.

"I'm looking for Alexandria Sinclair. Has she been around here?"

Darcy's face dropped at the mention of her friend. "Who's asking?"

"My name is Caroline Forbes," she introduced and the vampire didn't miss how her heart picked up just slightly hearing her name. "I work at the school that she goes to. She recently ran away around the summer break and I've been looking for her."

Darcy looked her up and down. "She didn't mention that you were a vampire," she observed, her tone free of judgement and only filled with curiosity.

Caroline raised her brow and wondered just how much she knew. But glancing at the apartment from behind her, she managed to spot a few herbs and grimoires scattered on a table in her apartment. "You're a witch," she deduced and Darcy turned her head to see what the woman was looking at. "I take it you're the one that's been cloaking her?"

Darcy looked back to the woman and stayed silent, unsure if the vampire was trustworthy. But from what Alexandria had told her, she was kind towards her in a difficult time. She had saved her and owed the woman her life. And as of that moment, Darcy was hoping that Caroline could do it one more time.

After careful deliberation, she stepped out of the way and opened her door wider. "Come in." Darcy closed the door behind her. "Would you like anything to drink?"

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